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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. me and my x-c coach were cruising and he took a bottle in the knee... mabe that was because he was a hard teacher tho?
  2. Wonder if it's a function of population density? Have to have a critical mass of people before it's feasible? Will the Seattle area become dense enough with population for this development? Monorail and light rail is the same idea on a smaller (Seattle size) scale. I did ride the light rail in Tacoma and it was all right. 'Cept I noticed that all of the other passengers were retired folks with mucho free time. yeah... when anarky starts, then they put in a rail. god forbid they ever use any foresight.
  3. damnit i wanna join ELF... just to burn some SUV's again... kinda kidding.
  4. or subway like moskow.... can get anywhere in one of the largest cities in the world by only walking a total of 400 meters.
  5. i read an article ( i will try to find it) that stated that because of the size of SUV's traffic is as much as 23% worse. this is because they take p more space and also, people stay farther aways from them. burn the fuckers! note: i was just kidding about the torching... kinda
  6. i say tripple the gas tax, build a light rai from say tacoma through evertt and call it good. better for the envoronment, better for commutes and the fuckers in the SUV's get it in the ass.
  7. pics of ratboi's mommy GU wrastlin' arnold in '76
  8. yeah 90% of these things are adonized purple and green and shit. ugly as fuck... booty biners for sure.
  9. i just shoed that to my vegetarian roomate!
  10. that is how i got my first ATC and locking biner!
  11. oh my god!
  12. figures, since they all take it in the ass nope they are givers baby... wanna be my altar boy trask?
  13. scott_harpell

    i love...

    kiddies at school with biners attached to the outsides of their bags. 10 finger discount. 14 biners and going strong. reeeely i am just liberating the biners and letting them live the life they were created for!
  14. No, you're just backtracking 'cause I called you on your manlust for SnottyScottie skotty is still a boy. did i mention i am joining the cloth?
  15. scott_harpell


    double or nothin
  16. it is like the new zealand thing that some of the 'all-blacks' have
  17. scott_harpell


    of course i dont know why, but i believe he did give a lil pop. oh well.
  18. yer just pissed cause you fell for it
  19. scott_harpell


    no i didn't. i said for a enwbie to be aware that jumping out on gear is more dangerous than on bolts. i didn't say that there were not contexts for this jumping or whatever. she was a newbie and as you have pointed out, newbies jump away for the rock. concede because you are wrong. look up the thread if you want.
  20. scottyT is the king of all trolls... so subtle, yet so powerfull. here's to you man!
  21. scott_harpell


    Sheesh..what a "sporto"?!?! quite the receding hairline though..! yeah i dont know who the hell he thinks he is fooling!
  22. scott_harpell


    HA HA HA...check out the "quickdraw" hanging from his harness?? Where's he gonna clip that too??? Sheesh..what a "sporto"?!?! what is your point? that does not mean that he would not jump out on a sport route. you even acknowledged that you sometimes jump out to avoid obstacles. could this not be a habit for the new trad leader? that is afterall the point as it was placed in the newbies section after a sport climber wanted to try trad.
  23. climbing girl 35 and 33 and where the hell is fern on that list foo?
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