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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. Wow.Maybe you could give me some advice on what to do;most days I get around 50-80 spam emails.Any help would be appreciated.I am kind of a computer novice. shit! what kidna email are you using... try bumping up the filter if you already haven't...
  2. who cares? mabe it is full of phenalalynine... isn't that the shit in lots of gums that turns into fermelehyde or something else gross when mized with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach? CBS!?!?
  3. yeah! and where is his union?
  4. outer space. soooo nice. short approach, killer crack, a little spice... and there are other top-quality routes you can hit up after you are done with the dirt glissade!
  5. create a junk e-mail for that purpose.
  6. c'mon wimmin'
  7. i dont get spam... you's must be doing something wrong... like shopping for porn or visiting al jazeera a few too many times. i have had the same e-mail for 5 years with mabe 100 spams in that time.
  8. all the names by jose saramego.
  9. mabe he needs to learn some responsiblity; for employment and also for his safety in the mountains and also thsoe that are eventually gonna have to risk their lives yanking his frozen corpse off a mountain.
  10. anyone wanna head up there and do some scouting/climbing. friday-tues or any combo of days? its been -3 here the last few nights at sea level.
  11. So what's your point? High percentages make it okay? no... its the ONLY way to stay in the game... and the only way to make $$$ and consequently eat.
  12. have you ever been a high level athlete? no. i see you are reading tri 101... mabe you should check out how many triatholoners are dopers. i would guess 75% of the top 10 mabe more.
  13. whatever! the guy is a temp and he comes in a few days late... that is what happens in the real world... now i know why so many of you are jobless.
  14. whatever... i am a student... and i get really good grades. that just doesn't happen naturally anymore. especially with 20 semester hours.
  15. mabe not the best, but dood sure kicks ass!
  16. too shitty... mabe some carl cox? e-rock... what do you listen to when you are snorting a line?
  17. if you dont like their politics... dont use their products... simple as that...
  18. what kinda cocaine have you been snorting? funk-bluegrass-blues is not coke-work music! that is stoner music...
  19. i will laugh if the movie consists of Leo waking up from a dream... pseudo-intellectual bullshit wanna be decartesian crap.
  20. drinking the winter ale as we speak! sooo damned good!
  21. going there at 1:00 AM tomorrow morning...
  22. Is it just me or does anyone else think this logic is...like...dumb? Perhaps early American climbers didn't want their cracks to become strings of rusty pitons with broken eyelets like those you can find in Canada or Europe Personaly i think fixed gear is trash and climbers who don't or can't remove it to be incompitant (with the exception of bomber copperheads). hm... after replacing 8 permanent pitons (really nailed in there) you are telling me that it is more damage to have a small diameter bolt hole? also... like lamey said... rust streaks... this is sooo unapealing..
  23. have you heard of bolts?
  24. k... what do you listen to when you ahve to stay up for a few days on end for work? i am nominating Ritchie Hawtin... not complex enough to distract me, but sure as hell wakes you up!
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