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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. that needs a dolly to be carried around. i'm sure you have seen way bigger cocks in your lifetime.
  2. scott_harpell


    Hey, having a g/f doesn't preclude being a switch hitter. Yeah, then you've gotta start thinking about whether someone has latent homosexual tendencies. Take Scott for example; he sure is proud of that pissing on Baker photo... i am not the wanna be pornographer that took that shit. i aint proud of it. it was cold out!
  3. scott_harpell


    yeah, its 50/50... better luck than the lotto but the ticket cost is higher. not when she makes more than you do
  4. scott_harpell


    yeah, its 50/50... better luck than the lotto
  5. scott_harpell


    ok that's enough... if you missed it too bad too sad
  6. scott_harpell


    If you don't have any naked pictures of her, I might have a few laying around. i highly doubt that, unless you are a russian speaker and used to weigh 80 lbs less.
  7. scott_harpell


  8. scott_harpell


    the last injustice at the hands of a tyrranical ruler
  9. scott_harpell


    mabe some retroactive justice! bring back fency and babnik!
  10. apperently we can't. see: california and florida.
  11. scott_harpell


    I would, but I'd hate to be labeled as 'insensitive'. i think it is a bit late for that.
  12. scott_harpell


    make a gay list. so erik can have ideas for 'special bivy padnahs'
  13. that's a pretty big... uh ... pleasuring device. i feel inadequate.
  14. vinyl and violin... to the rest, letter burn!
  15. scott_harpell


    post a naked shot of a porn star true true
  16. and apparently homosexual debate fetishes.
  17. scott_harpell


    naw. i was just kiddin. i'm very loyal to the team i'm on thanks. perhaps i will post a pic of the fiancee to quel any homosexual thoughts about me. Hmmm... that could be a bad idea at the same time... WWTD?
  18. scott_harpell


    thanks babe! but i really am getting married, but its not a guy. ya know? its just too darn hard to find a good man anymore, so i had to settle for a 5'11 hottie. oh well. i guess i'll live.
  19. yeah, but you can lure other fish into the mix, like CBS.
  20. holy shit. reminds me of a guy at a party that i told not to try and screw off the heineken top. whatever, i do it all the. had to drive his ass to the hospital and get stitches. deep as shit cut! i couldn't believe it.
  21. scott_harpell


    never the less... i am getting married.
  22. scott_harpell


    Who's the guy? e-rock
  23. scott_harpell


    its me.
  24. when did anyone say that ass clown? go beat off to your ralph nader poster ass hole.
  25. pretty soon they'll tell us that groping women without their consent was what the 60's were about as any good modern dem knows, groping men is where it is at. Clinton was the last decent Dem.
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