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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. wurd. i am very anti-nailing, but when you are that f-in high and alone, as Lambone pointed out... scary business for sure and knowing that if you are injured others may have to come rescue you, pins might not be such a bad idea... homeboy prolly went in over his head but biatch gots ballz. if you bitches are still whining about this tomorrow morning as i am nursing my soon to come hangover, i suggest you deal with this like real men and quit it with the BBS bitch-slap-fights and do it proppa. grow a pair
  2. WC adonized wiregates... nto sure of the name, but i got a dozen for $6 a piece in Whistler. WTF? and they clip smoooth and are light as faq!
  3. You got somethin' against punk rock, fucko? Go sit on a plunger handle and stick your ass to the ceiling 'til you get some blood flowing to your atrophied brain, you fucking humorless flag-waving sheeptool. Your inability to function without relying on swinging from Adamson's nutz labels you indelibly as the ineffectual has-been wanker that you are. In short, fuck off. nothin worse than a yuppie punk enthusiast... its like adamson listening to simon and garfunkle
  4. i guess the zodiac is off limits for 99.99999999% of climbers then jah cheif? still clean climbing is legit on a hard free climb scott. not trying to nitpick, but i believe that is the context of mistere's message. have a nice day at skool! but he said free....
  5. goddamn! quit smoking before 8!
  6. i guess the zodiac is off limits for 99.99999999% of climbers then jah cheif? scotty actually everyone i know who has climbed zodiac (around 8 people i think) have done it clean without pins or a hammer in their positions. and yes 2 of them soloed. he said free
  7. i guess the zodiac is off limits for 99.99999999% of climbers then jah cheif?
  8. fuck jah that's what i'm talking about!
  9. ding ding ding! we have a winner!
  10. they also have the biggest bellies in the world. figurativley and actually.
  11. too bad the coke-head will win come november.
  12. what? no GWAR?
  13. Hmmm... I am glad though that Saddam is out. 262 mass graves and counting... what a monster.
  14. dude... i have this feeling that as soon as we get done constructing some ghetto looking WMD with arabic painet all over it, we will find them!
  15. Yep. Pack it up and head home. i am starting to agree... with the attitude ot the french and germans... as well as the iraquis.... its pretty much a damned if you do damned if you dont... just the damned if ya do saves a lot of money and U.S. casualties.
  16. 23 posts in a row to get a page top where's the ethics?
  17. scott_harpell


    at this rate... zodiac will be a 5.7 grade III by the time i turn 30
  18. holy shit and they are priests too! look at the group name!
  19. lets just finish this job and get/stay the fuck out of the M.E. until they have all killed each other. just come down really fucking hard if something happens on our home turf. Unfortunately that is now much more likely.
  20. that is all fine and dandy when you only look at nations... how many nations have al queda attacked? 30? 50? more? uh huh... and which nations are funding this? are they not responsible for attackeing as much as those that are actually doing the attacking?
  21. damn that is a big ass snow plow.
  22. do your posts sound good in your head? do they read well right before you push send? please... STOP!
  23. get a room you two! we dont give a shit. you are both pussy biatches aiding a trade route... what do you want? a fucking brownie? quit bitching about $3 in climbing gear and get a life... both of you...
  24. I have to call BS on that. There will be peace in the Middle East when Israel is wiped off the face of the map and no longer exists. The Palestinian leadership has not been interested in peace at any point in recent history and has walked away from the negotiating table more than once. It's sorta of a chicken and the egg thing, but the Israeli's have a whole bunch of Arabic/Islamic neighbors who don't care for them much, they pretty much have to kick ass and ask questions later or they wouldn't survive. AS soon as the US stops supporting Isreal unconditionally, there will be peace.
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