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Everything posted by scott_harpell

  1. what a misogynist.
  2. scott_harpell


    you're the one analyzing a random sport climbing photo like it's the zapruder film... your the one who cant resist posting to my thread. dare you to try and stop.
  3. scott_harpell


    what context? do you see a ledge? if he was dynoing, wouldn't he have more rope out? i dont know why you care so much, i just pointed out to a climber new to the sport something to think about. sheesh. nothin to shit a brick over lad.
  4. scott_harpell


    10-20-30 ft.
  5. scott_harpell


    shouldn't that be his flight path?
  6. scott_harpell


    and the context was a prior post for when sportos start to learn trad.
  7. No.
  8. first time going to snow creek wall, i heard 'rattlesnakes' near the base on the approach after being warned about them. scared shit-less until i got to the base and they were those damned crickets! I also have a pissing complex there after the stories about the goats.
  9. scott_harpell


  10. scott_harpell


    thank you
  11. scott_harpell


    remember i said some sportos jump away providing outward force on the piece? here is what i meant.
  12. scott_harpell


    nope, but pp's post did make me feel violently sick. it wasn't a question. it was an order. bitch!
  13. scott_harpell


    watch maelstrom.
  14. huh huh huh... good one... i dont kno what a simile is... hu hu huhh... sure got me.
  15. your just cranky you haven't had morning wood in 18 years. ask sal about a remedy
  16. tsrak pagetops are cool and as long as spunk swallowing catamites like you get annoyed by them i'm gonna keep getting them. great... just like the chilliwack transvestites... haveatter hommes.
  17. lay off the gas huffing... you are a fucking low-life ex-hippie burnout. i am glad though you are off the welfare now, but puhleeze get a fucking life.
  18. Nice edit, trask. not an edit, I can read your mind or lack thereof
  19. punter
  20. you actually retain water with creatine, that is why you have to drink more water.
  21. scott_harpell

    jolly roger

    erik? or the beer?
  22. she came in at the wrong time.
  23. fuck off then done, thanks. why is that not a shocker?
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