you're the one analyzing a random sport climbing photo like it's the zapruder film...
your the one who cant resist posting to my thread. dare you to try and stop.
what context? do you see a ledge? if he was dynoing, wouldn't he have more rope out? i dont know why you care so much, i just pointed out to a climber new to the sport something to think about. sheesh. nothin to shit a brick over lad.
first time going to snow creek wall, i heard 'rattlesnakes' near the base on the approach after being warned about them. scared shit-less until i got to the base and they were those damned crickets! I also have a pissing complex there after the stories about the goats.
tsrak pagetops are cool and as long as spunk swallowing catamites like you get annoyed by them i'm gonna keep getting them.
great... just like the chilliwack transvestites... haveatter hommes.
lay off the gas huffing... you are a fucking low-life ex-hippie burnout. i am glad though you are off the welfare now, but puhleeze get a fucking life.