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Everything posted by ivan

  1. words like "truly" are what send the crazies running for the exits w/ "death panels" on their lips, since it implies judgement
  2. great post KK - i like when i can agree w/ you - doctors need to make a living, and a good one comeasurate w/ their herculean efforts in eduction, but it is fundementally fucked to make healthcare a for-profit enterprise - drug dealers in the hood don't want you to stop buying the drugs, they want you hooked for good, preferably on an ever-increasing slope of willingess to pay, pay, pay somehow we need a system that provides affordable, universal healthcare that doesn't remove the incentive for bright people/organizations to study medicine and innovate new treatments, preventions and cures for disease
  3. can we agree on 2 basic notions? 1) some how, some way, healthcare needs to be cheaper 2) everybody should be covered, all the time
  4. to oppose obamacare is not to oppose health care... to oppose obamacare w/o supporting anything other than the status quo, which relegates a large chunk of our fellowman to low quality/non-existent healthcare is retarded
  5. maniacs! way to give the Almighty Bog the Big Finger!
  6. well he sure as fuck didn't surf it!!!
  7. You must perform your own colonoscopys, then? Pretty basic thing. i do believe it was ivan who called healthcare a pretty basic thing... a basic thing pink is somethign that's essential for life - food is a basic thing, but that doesn't mean i could run my own farm. a car is a basic thing in the modern world, but i couldn't build one or fix much beyond an oil change. health care is a basic thing, but people can't make thier own blood pressure meds, fix their broken legs, or remove thier appendix (well, w/o it looking like a monty python movie). so again, paging any christians in the crowd, how can you deny your fellow man esential healthcare on the grounds of his poverty or even laziness and not feel like a complete hypocrite? did lazarus have to pay for the crash-cart? did the blind dude get a bill from j.c. for the spit/mud pack and the services rendered?
  8. could any of the members of the jesus fanclub out there please explain how its tyranical and unchristian to provide basic healthcare to all human beings?
  9. keep the vigil wes!
  10. did you say pink's perspiring from his anus?
  11. fuck'n portlanders always faqh'n w/ the scene!
  12. tvash regularly re-earns his community service merit badge for alerting us to all the peaks we don't much need to be worrying 'bout badass bumblebee pic!
  13. my persian friend aarash assures me, in his heavy persian accent: "if you are using that gear that you find in the mountain, you gonna die on that gear!" inshahallah
  14. Nope.. i concur - the only climbing porn i ever see is shit folks link here - somethng about watching clmbing videos reminds me of being 12 and watching skating videos w/ shitty soundtracks on a tv the size a chinaman's dick in a tiny room w/ a fistful of doorknobs now, if she was soloing nekkid...
  15. ivan

    Sport vs Trad

    nah, that wasn't me - i'dve been wearing a helmet too
  16. sounds like the rap stations survied the recent rockfall, so leave'em at home!
  17. "my gawd, i'd hadn't been so thrilled since i first got fucked in grade-school!" Did the scout leader ever get out of jail for that? naw, mine (chico!) went down for fucking a hippie pot-gardener on our summer camp trip to ocracoke i think
  18. i don't like traffic, so i can't imagine having enjoyed woodstock
  19. ivan

    Sport vs Trad

    watchu'talk'n'bout willis? i did the corner (w/ a 7 mm rope) w/ jim once - my pro was 3 slings he had, tied into knots here n' there
  20. skykilo did a tr a few years ago of doing this route w/ hannah via marble creek which sounded a good deal more upbeat (but then sky is a high-on-life kinda dude)
  21. so were the spartans - they kicked licked ass too fixed it for ya anticipated that even as i was typing - figured they were both appropriate, so good on ya!
  22. the dirty little thing about enlightenment is that there's no such thing at least that's what i figured out last time i was doing my own Total Sick Free-Solo
  23. so were the spartans - they kicked ass too
  24. cool translation - whose? it retains the essential alliteracy that resonates throughthe old english seamus heaney's version of the above begins "in off the moors, down through the mist bands God-cursed Grendel came geedily loping."
  25. dude, have you SEEN me? 6'6" and totally unable to tan, i'm the living embodiment of the jackass nordic warrior - my blood fairly courses w/ mead and the aforementioned, including the desire to rape the horses and steal the women!
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