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Everything posted by ivan

  1. rawk 'n roll beyotch! i've been wondering about going back to solo dat bastard after me n' josh's epic paddling so many moons ago - doing just the n peak last week kinda dissuaded me, more so the memory of that fucking exit onto the main peak and the godawful cloud descent congrats!
  2. ivan

    Sport vs Trad

    is that twiggy phreaking proto-r2d2?
  3. awesome place - i still remember the beautiful bunch of birthday balloons tvash and i treasured roudn cathedral lake
  4. makes me almost feel guilty for all the blue-bird weather we had on our epic traverse good to see you found a way to make bastard creek even more bastardly!
  5. stuff a tampon up your pussy
  6. the chick on the right looks like the uber-bitch - by your analogy, she must be representing nooksack tower
  7. so, the take home message is, any communication from the government is propaganda and thus evil? wash your hands before returnign to work? speed limit 45? maybe don't eat nothing but candy bars - ya know, throw in some fruits n' veggies n' shit? beware of travel to somalia? hey, does this include the noaa forecast? kinda pissing me off this weekend...
  8. hey, gee, you changed the subject and want me to reply on a tangent. piss off why i try to be civil w/ a cunt like you is beyond me it's a waste of time, but as the game's on commericial break, i got it: you were originally pissed b/c you say kids are being forced to see propaganda in a public classroom, no? so how is it a tangent, dickhead, to question you about the proper way to prepare students for being exposed to propaganda? seems pretty on topic to me. i'd translate your lack of a response beyond an insult as a concession that you're so married to your antipathies that it clouds your reason ok, commericial break over.
  9. it makes the peregrines cry and something for the rangers to write you up for other than smoking da chronic
  10. in the same sense that you need to have fucked a hideous fat-chick at some point in your life to put the hawties in perspective?
  11. A8 is when you do the same, but also have a 47 year old toothless "career" thai hooker blowing the belayer sans jimmy-hat
  12. OK this depiction of our Great Leader clearly shows your dirty, rotten racist core mr. coe!
  13. i believe the social studies folks like to discriminate between the concepts of "left wing" and "ultra-left wing" - at any rate, your fringe libertarian types (usually considered leftist) want an essential total banishment of government, ergo no state to be totalitarian in the first place (the gang-based anarchic state that would naturally fill the vacuum would hardly be much better though, eh?) you never answered me on the teaching the concept of propaganda question, tovarisch.
  14. kenny told me folks have been linking p1&2 and i did that y-day for the first time and boy did i fuck it up - felt like i was pulling a dead elephant up w/ me on the crux moves - whimpered like a stupid puppy! i put a long runner on the anchor at the top of p1 and clipped the second bolt past that - what do you do to keep that from sucking?
  15. the oh-shit bar in my high school friend's mean black truck which he drove like satan needing to set a thunder-chowder down
  16. was that friday night? did yw w/ kenny and company - we sat at the top for a goodlong while after dark - seemed like the rain was gonna be coming any minute
  17. that's a great solo route if you can't find a partner
  18. bet you're gay!
  19. i was just quoting bono ya'll! does jeff describe the west ridge as "nice alpine rock" 'cuz that would be very illustrating for me
  20. heretic! okay, so it looks a bit scruffy, but it sure beats the hell outta all the other local options - popular routes are very clean though i love bluebird - i especially like that massive block at the top of the column you stem on that wobbles like an irishman when you get to aggrressive w/ it
  21. i'll go w/ you if you do the scary chimney!
  22. jeebus, why do the republicans have to cherry-pick his shit then, eh? "we'll take the deregulation, but screw the legalization of drug thing!"
  23. kk, you ducked this one (so far) - since the world is full of propaganda, how best do we prepare folks for being immersed in it? by ignoring it? or by watching it in an educational environment and pulling it apart? obviously a teacher must be impartial.
  24. Forced? How so? were ya gonna point out how easy it is to sleep through public schooling?
  25. i thought this was gonna be an organ donor thing?
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