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Everything posted by ivan

  1. Huh? Crazy people not representative of politics? This incident is one of many that arise out of one despicable method of discourse, not in spite of it! Tea bagging being fruit of the same tree...... seriously, when in human history has political discourse not been vituperative? crazy people doing crazy shit is hardly new either. more of the same old shit, and sad as ever.
  2. had that fun disease as a kid - info says shingles vaccine isn't for you till yer 60...
  3. nice - just noticed how this pic catches all the gear on the traverse in the background - it's a testament to how fucking dark it is in that cave that i never noticed those anchors till today!
  4. maybe i'm too much of an optimist, but this story is a reaffirmation for me of some of the things that i thing amerikkka is actually good for 1. this is the end of sarah's career - period. she runs for president? yeah, shouldn't be too hard to craft a mud-slinging commericial just for her... 2. compare this to pakistan last week. some wing-nut caps a secular governor and half the nation is out throwing rose-petals at his feet - even the right-wingers of our country have to acknowledge this guy is ape-shit. only the fringe of the fringe could support this.
  5. by this document, i'm all good - i manage to get stiches often enough, i've probably doubled n' tripled up on the tetatnus vaccine every damn decade for awhile now i didn't see much else on that list that needed boosters? i don't tend to get the flu vaccine most years, largely out of laziness (and no real fear of the consequences), and my understanding is the science ain't real good for that anyhow
  6. nice - hope the ospray joins us next time - i had the winebox n' everything!
  7. ivan

    NPR: sucks

    Someone's finally discovered a practical use for a baby. huh? fat-bastard was way ahead of these lame-os!
  8. course, that said, i can't recall much bitching about the problems w/ schools...
  9. i was just assuming you were challenging me to pistols at dawn, when next we meet? which is gonna be when firfuksakes? let's go do hood or wander down smithways, eh?
  10. clearly vaccines are evil - witness the earth on the verge of 7 billion meat-puppets! why, if there were no vaccines...there'd....there'd....
  11. i only beat my children when i'm asleep...probably why they've learned to stop jumping on me when i'm snoring on the couch
  12. ivan

    NPR: sucks

    you end up eating bacon?
  13. what childhood vaccines did i get that i need boosters for now, and why does this never come up during my yearly physicals?
  14. ivan

    NPR: sucks

    thought the whole idea of being a well-informed citizen revolved aroudn the idea of not using a single source?
  15. seems to me a mostly silly issue - even IF autism were a remote, remote consequence of a vaccine, it seems pretty obvious your kids more likely to die or be fucked up as a consequence of getting the disease life's dangerous, buy a helmet.
  16. this month's article on bigwall caving in vietnam was sweeeet too
  17. ivan

    NPR: sucks

    bbc ain't much better (though i do enjoy their weather forecasts for london "grey cloud" "white cloud" "sunny intervals" etc) - npr is like democracy: frequently lame, but all the alternatives are shittier.
  18. seems to pair well w/ french wine n' cheese, no doubt made in a half-ass style too
  19. i'll volunteer to help you post'em, should the technical part be an obstacle, if only to make up for my assholeness
  20. how many reverse gears does a french dutch oven have?
  21. i like ike! hoover n' coolidge n' teddy n' taft seemed to be keeping shit to shoe level as well - if only, ironically, conservatives could go back to the good old days?
  22. I don't get why you have to be so doubtfull of my post. Just because you don't know every climber in the Portland area does not mean I am lying about my climbs. Or is it that I have to earn my rank on this site? No wonder it took me seven years to finally register as alot of the people on this site come of off as total ass holes. Cheers Todd Thanks for the praise Dave and Bill. i was always a fan of thomas in the new testament - come out to beacon saturday and have a beer w/ us!
  23. actually, seems like those 2 things did their part of the country just fine, which is probably why they'd like to do it more?
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