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Everything posted by ivan

  1. i don't understand, why aren't you already here?
  2. go get that shit man! jeebus, it's never looked like that! wtf? wish i could come but i'd almost certainly cause your demise plus, it...uh...looks pretty cold, 'specially w/ the winds n' whatnot... we await your tr w/ many felicitations!
  3. pm sent!
  4. what if he were to have given the draws to a poor bunny-face aspirant? smiff's own robin hood! quick, someone write a goddamn folk ballad for this here hero-of-the-people!
  5. i don't understand? i can't not curse even when shit's going how i want it to! but here.....?
  6. ivan

    Merry Christmish

    this thread is a hate-crime against christmas and i have already reported it to the good folks at fox
  7. he looks like a dude fairly certain he's about to get his ass beat can a brah afford his meth habit on hawking used quickdraws?
  8. he's not from washoughal perchance?
  9. to drunk to see - situation excellent - i am attacking!!!
  10. what he said - it aint' brain surgery out there
  11. ivan

    Note to Ladies...

    they have box sets for ole jerry these days?
  12. ivan

    Note to Ladies...

    and to think, sweet shit like this was happening before the explosion of the information age, and it was all just getting lost!
  13. ivan

    Merry Christmish

    fuck knows, i'm just a simple po'boy - you bean counters feel free to count it out, my main pt is, whatever the hell the plan works out to, i'd like to see the wealthy footing the bill
  14. ivan

    Hood Pics

    some nice shots in there holk!
  15. i don't think the arena was quarried, just a shallow tunnel dug in then blasted out - the rock there is by and large horrible choss and worthy of its historic neglect hopefully someday our paths cross there bird-boi - beacon needs more goofy fucks! if'n you haven't done it yet, here's something to do by the drinking fountain on the n side - havne't had any 2nd opinions yet and of course this time of year my sad, sad ego needs intense stroking
  16. ivan

    Merry Christmish

    pay attention: it helps the poor by pumping up commodity prices through wise investments in hot private equity funds. Like real estate! there's that damned misallocation again! Thanks Kimmo but seriously help me out here Ivan donald trump takes his tax cut and buys a $2 million diamond ring - how much of that money ends up anywhere where it helping a brother out, beyond the s african miner who got 5 cents for his troubles?
  17. ivan

    Merry Christmish

    on paper that may be the best solution, but the people being taxed would bitch endlessly about the deadbeats not doing anything, and the people getting the checks do in fact need something to be doing to feel a sense of fulfilment and out of the streets stirring up shit.
  18. ivan

    Merry Christmish

    there's a surprise at any rate, as i said a few posts back - that is the basic philosophic difference that stands at the root of the debate, and upon which there's little room for compromise.
  19. ivan

    Merry Christmish

    Ivan what do oyu mean by this and why is it important? i'd be quick to point out again i had shit grades in econ, and only 2 classes in it at that - i did actually like macro-economics, which this thread seems to concern more at the moment? my primitive understanding is, for folks to be happy in our economy, that money must keep pumping around, not unlike blood through a body, and that when money collects in the hands of a few, it tends to get put into various forms of savings, many of which won't have the effect of pumping the money back into the lowerclasses hands, and can even have the lovely effect of fueling speculation bubbles that bust the overall economy, causing disproportional suffering to the poor
  20. ivan

    Merry Christmish

    sure - i'm aware an economy is a very large, complex thing - i also know that rich folks are just as likely to park their huge fortunes in savings for generations on end - the spice must flow, baron! use it or lose it?
  21. ivan

    Merry Christmish

    very possible as my econ 101 class met at 730, a cruel hour for so dry a subject fo'sure equal outcomes i don't expect - sure, ceo guy is gonna live a much fatter lifestyle, and who am i to say he's doesn't deserve it? just saying that i don't have a problem w/ The Man taking his 5th extra porsche and paying a government street sweeper a living wage w/ it. not equal outcomes, beyond both dudes having enough to be happy. i realize this makes me a communist - i look awesome in mao-suits - who doesn't?
  22. ivan

    Merry Christmish

    indeed, but if government exists to level the playing field, to re-distribute wealth so that all live in relative prosperity, taxing the ceo then hiring & overpaying some ticket-taker w/ the ceo's tax money doesn't seem so outlandish of course, i suspect a basic disagreement exists over wether government should in fact be doing the redistribution, and of course anyhow who thinks it shouldn't will of course want tax cuts for the rich and public unions to be shit-canned.
  23. ivan

    Merry Christmish

    an angry aztec god might suffice as well, or is that the same sorta waiting-for-jesus-to-bring-the-porkchops kinda thing?
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