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Everything posted by ivan

  1. you miss a mother-fucker w/ a blunderbuss at 5 feet, you probably deserve to die
  2. red herring anti-guns people repeatedly claim that use of a gun in defense very rarely happens and if it is tried, it is very risky and likely to fail. GGK: bugger off, you are on permanent ignore wtf, red-herring? relevant to my argument. interpret the 2nd amendment in the "originalist" fashion conservative jurists are so in love with. the founders gave you a right to a musket, no more. also, "red herring" to say those who aren't for a wild-west gun environment are "anti-gun"
  3. a blunderbuss would still have the job done just fine though, no? she didn't need an ar-15 or a 200 round magazine, did she?
  4. "for every one of us living in this world means waiting for our end let he who can achieve glory before death when a warrior is gone that will be his best and only bulwark"
  5. from nbc.com "The bad season has been blamed on an especially virulent flu strain, the A H3N2 strain. Another A strain, H1N1, and two influenza B strains are also causing illness. Vaccines prepared for this year are a good match for three of the viruses, although one strain of influenza B is not covered by the vaccine and may be accounting for 8 percent to 10 percent of flu cases, according to infectious disease experts. It can take two weeks for the flu shot to provide full protection, and in the interim, people may still get sick, health officials caution. The shots don't provide 100 percent protection, only between 65 percent and 80 percent in a healthy person, but they can lessen the severity and duration of symptoms. The earlier people get shots, the sooner they'll be protected, health officials add."
  6. my school nurse said this year's flu actually is a close match to what was in the vaccine - any word on how many of those showing up sick actually had the vaccine?
  7. lovely - but for a thailand t.r. i expect far more in the way of pix of scantily clad beach-goers!
  8. Perhaps you should give up your aspirations as most of your posts sound like they're written by an autistic 12 y/o high on crack. is there an aid-equiavelent that he could aspire too then? a1, for example, recycling george carlin quotes? so many haters out there....
  9. if you can't make people laugh, then shut the fuck up - i've tried hard to ignore this basic precept
  10. funny, my high school guidance counselor said my problem was i didn't wanna-be nothing ah, yes, mike reminds me of my #5 for the year, as i'd stalled out on 4 - impaling meself on a staub after a tiny fall on stone soup, finishing the last 4 pitches unable to determine what exactly i'd gored beneath my heavy pants and big wall harness, half-urking in the p-lot realizing my thigh looked rather like a healthy hunk of steak, then eschewing the emergency room and sleeping on me side all night so as not to have to hang out w/ meth-heads till 3 a.m. meh, actually, in retrospect, it was kinda fun - more fun was the exotic locale in which i later removed the stitches
  11. if oleg n' nastia had a ruble for every time they had a misery-bivy on hood....
  12. looks like a claustrophobic nightmare - throw in a ball-gag though and it might work just fine for indoor pursuits
  13. who is this tague feller though, and how did he meet his demise?
  14. i don't understand, why exitign through asgard? didn't you come up from the stuart lake th?
  15. the diamond story could use some elaboration as i've no idea what happened?
  16. nice concept - slogging all the way to the base of the n face of hood w/ nastia n' nick n' getting turned back by an uncrossable 'shrund (though not till after both nick and i had tried n' failed, n' nastia had plunged into the abysss while i had her on a shoulder belay ) - ferrying 6 metric tons of bullshit to the base of the zodiac on el cap and climbing the first two pitches only for a certain un-named partner to discover he no longer had the time nor inclination to continue the ascent - doing the big approach to mt berge w/ tvashie on the labor day weekend only to be scuttled by arctic cold n' high winds when, dipshits that we were, we'd only brought light bags, no tent, and little by way of warm clothes...the wind kept us shivering and i couldn't hardly keep my damn smokes lit - my revenge on stein's pillar ruined by an emergency apendectomy
  17. ivan

    2012 Top 5

    the brush at the base of index n face is fuckign out of control!
  18. the railroad spikes in index oughta be good for several more millenia as well
  19. except that #4 on the gendarme pitch of stuart - that thing will be there even after the earth is swallowed by a red giant
  20. interesting, the article says it thrives up to 6000 feet, yet i can't recall seeing it in the n cascades at all, 'cept on the drive through the lowlands gettign there? devil's club just too badass for it?
  21. jesus, that's a rock worth climbing on?
  22. jesus, i'd be amazed if l'il tahoma is still there in a 1000 years - seems to be falling apart as quickly as sir isaac newton will allow! btw, hope none of my extraordinarly witty humor makes it seem like i doubted or hated on the accomplishment - you old boyz drank motor oil in place of gatorade
  23. looks fun - this near the start?
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