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Everything posted by ivan

  1. wise sir do not grieve it is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning for every one of us living in this world means waiting for our end let he who can achieve glory before death when a warrior is gone that will be his best and only bulwark
  2. ivan

    Gay Marriage

    the ancient roman argument against gays in general was that they sapped the military spirit necessary for empire and threatened the ability of the state to increase its population (and thus the military strength required to maintain said empire) they also thought is was very greek, and thus doubly ghey
  3. ivan

    Gay Marriage

    plenty of homophobia in cultures outside the kkkristian one
  4. You're all gonna die: (Shot at Inspiration Col) [video:youtube] They're not bad - they keep the place free of litter. Stuff your gear in a pack and you'll be fine with a bivvy. Unless they go for the soft parts of your face while you sleep. You never know.
  5. if it ain't on cc.retard, is it worth knowing about?
  6. garcon, check please?
  7. wearing a go-pro fills me w/ the dread i've landed in a sudden snuff-porn, staring Yours Truly looks like a beautiful morning spent w/ several thousand other hood aspirants
  8. i doubt that religion was the key motivator - more like simple, murderous anger - "you killed somebody we love, so now we want to kill somebody"
  9. a true objective hazard for climbing in that there part of the world, no? thankfully there are fewer zealots such as these in the andes and in the alaska range, for them that want their big, big mountains, minus the crazy.
  10. there's always caving http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1042666
  11. last one almost involved kenny goign to jail, so who could turn down another?
  12. standing offer to one and all to replace/tidy-up stone soup bolts - would only make the route name more proper - most of the bolts are plenty fine, but several weren't drilled deep enough so have too much thread exposed - the only squishy-fucked one is the one bryan describes at the bottom of the rabbit-hole
  13. my advice to all young sportsters: "remember kid, if ya can't beat'em, at least hurt'em...and, if ya can beat'em, what the hell, why not hurt'em anyway?" this may explain why i rarely played a full basketball game before fouling out
  14. sports: the original ersatz warfare
  15. more like crimson chrysalis, only them boys didn't speak english no nearly so good
  16. biscuits n' gravy n' screwdrivers in bed @ 10 AM
  17. do you need to have seen a massive car-accident to know that you probably ought not try to drive through it while the cops n' medics n' firefighters are combing through the wreckage n' trying to pull folks out?
  18. shoulda brought my kids over that day - had'em out at beacon in the day use area in that huge field - never seen 2 kids n' a dog so retard-excited to be racing through head-high daisies - like a scene out of da wizard of oz. my children would have descended on your raspberry's like egyptian locusts though
  19. no way to train round here for the grim reality of kalifornia-heat!
  20. 6/17 - #18 - grass bowing gently in the slight gusts of the western gorge - cool and sunny, scraps of clouds here and there - the highway gloriously free of frenetic machines fouling the thoroughfare - hawks and gulls hollering - hordes of dim-wits dashed all over the trail - the Usual Suspects - the Siegfried Oath issued all over again, the same all ways and in every weather - one day of classes left, the solstice hard upon us, sweet Summer is feeling rather tipsy and falling out of her panties in her haste - the Time is Right, my brothers "well, i got in a quibble, shot a door - i'm reading the bible by a 40 watt bulb - what price freedom? that is my rub well i sleep like a baby with the snakes n' the bugs"
  21. if you go to disney-world, you can't sweat it when a kid pukes on you in space mountain
  22. dunno, but sounds like tvash is getting Soft on Republicanism to me
  23. well, there are millions of tourists everywhere
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