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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Alpinfox

    Number 10,000

    There are only 10 types of people in this world; those that understand binary, and those that don't.
  2. LINK weighs <5oz Caveat: I'm not sure if this is a NOLSe-approved windshirt. Maybe he will chime in here and grace us with his expert opinion. There is a $50 off coupon if you spend $200 or more at EMS.com. Code is "BNABS"
  3. Alpinfox


    Sold for one camel and 15 gallons of insecticide! I party now!
  4. What do you think of the airline's policy requiring large passengers to buy two seats? Choice Votes Percentage of 18279 Votes I think it's a great policy. 12053 66% I disapprove. I think it's a form of discrimination. 4543 25% I'm not sure. 1683 9% Thanks for taking part in our survey!
  5. So Alberto Gonzalez called in?
  6. "No entry found for anvilicious. Did you mean unmalicious?"
  7. "I propose that sports greatly hinders the development of godly, Biblical, feminine character." AWESOME! The glaring grammatical error in his thesis statement lets you know you are dealing with a titan intellect.
  8. JayB, I appreciate your point about the tackiness, but you can't expect the oppressed to keep quiet when their oppressor comes to the funeral of one of their heros. And yes, G.W.B. DOES represent the white, patriarchal, corporate, status quo, power structure that they have been fighting against for most of their lives. I agree it was a lose-lose situation for Bush... that's because he's a fucking loser. Unfortunately, I agree that he also played it pretty well and got off pretty easy from what I saw.
  9. "I don't understand speed walking. Trying to see who can walk the fastest is like trying to see who can whisper the loudest." -Bob Costas
  10. note woman being assaulted in the background.
  11. I bet CSK would not have had a problem with it.
  12. Hello honorable seller. I am liking to buy the item in understanding condition. Please be emailing with your acceptable price and I will be making USPS money order. A receiving of message from USPS will be authentic moneys. Once receiving, you will ship with confirmation numbers. When confirmation numbers are recieved, moneys are now in your checking account! Like Easy! Looking forward for good business!
  13. I think NOLSe was in that line of work too. Do you know him?
  14. Hey, one more question. Are these patches made out of goretex or schoeller? Some other microfiber or windblocking material? Fleece? Remember, COTTON KILLS!
  15. Do I have to show you a summit photo to qualify for ordering one of these patches? How do I know that these patches aren't just going to be given out to anyone who forks over $7? I mean these are for SUMMITERS ONLY right????
  16. Only a 1100' odd feet of life in Oregon eh? Do you just want to climb volcanos? Cuz here's a little secret for you: walking up volcanoes gets really old really quickly. It might impress your parents and your cubicle-mates, but the thrill fades pretty quickly. Look into learning some rock climbing skills and get some gear and then combine mountains+technical climbing. It's fun. Real fun - but your parents and your cubicle-mates won't be impressed because they have never heard of Mt. Stuart, Mt. Goode, Liberty Bell, etc. If you don't have any friends that do it, and that can teach you, then one of those groups might be an OK way to start. Here is another factoid: The best alpine climbing in Oregon is in Washington.
  17. Alpinfox

    Prusik Peak

    I, for one, am comforted to know that all of these posts will be erased by tomorrow morning.... ....all my spray, is like dust in the cliche...
  18. Alpinfox

    Prusik Peak

    Listen here wanker: I'm gonna drag you outta yer ass-viewing booth in 15 minutes and we're gonna go climbing! Aid in the fuggin' rain if we have to and YOU ARE GONNA LIKE IT!!
  19. Alpinfox

    Prusik Peak

    give it a week silly. the conditions this weekend are going to be pretty good for dying, not so good for climbing. All the couch sittin' sprayers were gripin' about snow conditions last week and a coupla badasses went and climb/skied the North Face of Chair. Howz about we go out and fuckin TRY to do somethin instead of wankin about conditions. FUCK!
  20. Alpinfox


    Good lord. Amazing. Colin! Isn't he in Chamonix now? Intercontinental alpine madman
  21. looks like the east face of cutthroat to me Yeah! I recognize it now. I wish it had looked like that when AlpineDave and I went up there.
  22. Matt, This picture should have been entered in the humor category in the contest. It cracks me up every time I look at it. What's the story?
  23. KG: Do you think that um, do you think that when the album, when this is out... JB: Yeah? KG: Do you think it will make us um, more attractive to the ladies? JB: Pshh, yeah, in fact, I been getting ready. KG: Yeah? JB: Yeah, I been doin cock pushups. KG: Cock Pushups? JB: Yeah. KG: What are those? JB: Its where you fuckin lay down flat on the ground. KG: Yeah... JB: And then you let your boner lift you up off the ground. KG: N...no, that's, that'd be impossible. Your cock can't support your whole weight? JB: Well not at first... KG: Yeah? JB: But over time. KG: Hmm...how many pushups can you do? JB: ...cock pushups? KG: Yeah...I guess, you could only do one really. JB: Yeah, well one is all ya need
  24. Some Foraker stoke: Sweeeeeet.....
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