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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I'm pretty well prefunked right now. Let's do this thing.
  2. Yeah no kidding. The cool kids must be having a private function this evening.
  3. Alpinfox


    Post deleted by Alpinfox
  4. IMHO this accident was your GF's fault. The belayer should never drop the climber (unless the belayer is knocked unconcious or something like that). She needs to improve her belaying skills. Getting a gri-gri is probably a wise move.
  5. Trail run up Mt. Dickerman with Olympia Climber and Ken4ord on Saturday, approached NR of Sherpa Peak with AlpineDave and Ken4ord in the rain on Sunday before retreating to Lworth for breakfast and cragging.
  6. The Trogdor and I did silent running including your bonus peach. Nice climb. Then we did some easy slabby thing under the "great arch" (edit: "Charlie Chan's Number One Suspect"). Too hot then, so we left. Saw Joe Cattellani and partner on the big tree route.
  7. Holy crap. I thought I recognized that guy in the white scubaroo as I was driving out yesterday.
  8. That's a sweet shot. I've never seen a picture from that angle before. So has anyone climbed that nice crack below the pillar?
  9. Nice TR and pics, but jezus krist that "rock" looks terrible. Glad I don't live in OR anymore.
  10. Thank you for allow fox to participate in no pay expedition to cascade jewel.
  11. Well, he is back in Seattle now, so he survived. All I've heard about the trip is "SPENT A REALLY GOOD WEEK IN ADMANTS ROCK MIGHT BE BETTERE THAN EVEN THE BUGS SUPERB PLACE". Looking forward to hearing the full story.
  12. Sweet pictures and TR. Did you see Fred B. in there?
  13. He went to a bluegrass festival outside of Portland this past weekend and had the hippies in the medic tent do some free tender loving care on it ("Hey man, just sprinkle this weed on it, and shit..."). HA! I was at that festival too. In addition to dispensing free TLC, the hippie medics were giving out ear plugs which was nice. Great TR.
  14. I won't buy a belay device that doesn't do autoblock.
  15. Alpinfox

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  16. Congratulations to OlympiaClimber! Now #2 among active posters, maybe soon to be #1? Will the Catbird be able to fend him off!?!?!? STAY TUNED! I don't know why OlympiaClimber changed his name to "porter". Disrespectin his Olympia roots. Archenemy soon to break the 10k barrier! YOU GO GIRL! Kevbone. Still not banned after 5890 idiotic postings! DUHR!
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