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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I figured the worst part about rollerblading would be telling your parents that you were gay.
  2. CC is not that bad you whiners. Go "climb" the fourteeners in CO if you want true scree suck.
  3. THE BUCKET SEAL IS DEAD!??! Thanks for ruining my day captain sunshine.
  4. I got stung twice while approaching that climb a few weeks ago.
  5. more like $40 for beer, cigarettes, CDs, concert tickets, expensive climbing gear, or gas to get to the crags. HA! That's funny I edited my post above to include references to beer,etc before I even read this. Hey KK, keep up the good work of looking out for #1 and not caring to try to make the world a kinder, gentler, and fairer world for everyone else. We're all very proud of you.
  6. So if some 20yo makes the decision to forego the $40/mo for $2500 deductible insurance in favor of spending that money paying down their student loan, paying their bills, or, heaven forbid, beer, we should just let them rot when something happens to them? It's true. Young folks tend not to make the most sound decisions when it comes to short-term vs long-term cost/benefit. Your apparent response: "Oh well. Fuck'em."
  7. I don't know if I'd go that far, stuff like that happened all the time years and years ago and there was no solution. We're (slowly) progressing as a nation and quality of life is better than it was 10, 50, 100 years ago. It's all about drawing a line and somebody's going to get "screwed." Life isn't fair. I don't think "things are better than they used to be" is a good argument against wanting progress and change. I'm just not satisfied with the status quo of the american health care system, especially when I see poorer nations that are somehow able to deliver better quality care to 100% of their citizens. We can do better. We SHOULD do better. The fact that we don't is shameful. Quite true. We as a society need to make some painful choices about how much we are willing to spend on the healthcare of our citizens. Should we spend $70k on a heart transplant for a 70yo man to extend his life expectancy another 5 years? Maybe/maybe not. Should we spend $15k on an ACL surgery for an active/intelligent ~20yo with a full and promising life ahead of her? I think so.
  8. sounds like she is making that choice - not to get the money for this surgery. Yeah, she is "choosing" to suffer a life of disability rather than trot on down to the magic money tree and pick a few $10k bills off the low-hanging branches. Tell me more about the fairytale land you live in!
  9. I recently heard a story about a friend of a friend: She is currently a student and doesn't have medical insurance. She is very active, healthy, etc. She recently wrecked her knee while participating in sports. She needs surgery, but has no insurance and therefore can't afford the surgery. She will forego the surgery, her knee will not heal properly, and she will most likely have lifelong disability as a result. She is a REAL person as well as just another sad statistic. It could very easily happen to me (I don't have insurance at the moment) tomorrow. Could it happen to you? Your friend? Your family member? This country is fucked up that we let stuff like this happen.
  10. not being argumentative here, but is this problem really eliminated by having the government in charge? The waiting period (is this going to be covered or not? Yes. no. yes. no. appeal. re-appeal. etc.) would be eliminated, so yes, I believe "having the government in charge" could fix the problem. It's true that medical care through the VA is not the best, but it is better than no care (which is what 46 million americans receive) and it needn't be the model for what a universal health care program would look like. Look at the European models. Watch the movie "Sicko".
  11. 46 million americans have no health insurance more than half of all personal bankruptcies have massive medical bills as a precipitating cause people DIE as a result of having their treatment denied or delayed by insurance companies If we pooled the money already paid by all americans in the forms of copays, premiums, taxes, etc, we would already have enough money for a single-payer, universal health care program. We already guarantee a free public education to all our children, let's do the same for health care for all americans! We need to get rid of for-profit insurance companies.
  13. Go to www.youtube.com and type in "olyclimber" in the search field. "Did you mean ________________ ?"
  14. Looks like Porter will be able to go home today. Get ready for an opiate-addled sprayfest!
  15. Porter was climbing at the UW rock this evening and took a weird fall and broke his leg (tibia and fibula). He is at Harborview now and will be getting surgery to install a pin in his tibia sometime soon. He is taking it well, but is obviously bummed since he was just starting to get back in shape from his last medical issue. Please send best wishes! The guy has had a shitty year.
  16. Alpinfox

    You suck

    heavy flow day? Carl, you suck for not coming to the Lake City Pub Club last night.
  17. Alpinfox

    You suck

  18. You know Feck and Carl's number? Ed Ut: I called carl, no answer.
  19. If you don't respond immediately, I'm going to start dialing. You've been warned.
  20. Alpinfox

    You suck

    Hotfix this shitstain: You all suck.
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