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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. This video sucks, but features a topless hottie that goes free-soloing. Freakin' Euros. Video
  2. Only class 3, but you could climb Mt. Maude (South side) and Seven Fingered Jack (SW side) as a somewhat strenuous two-day trip with a camp at Leroy Creek Cmpgrnd. Sloan Peak (Corkscrew Rte). Buckner (SW side). Takes you over Cascade Pass. Smoot's book "Climbing Washington's Mountains" has a lot of the easier routes (scrambles + hikes) to most of the prominent peaks in WA.
  3. Alpinfox

    Body Mass Index

    Ya'll a buncha fatass pigs!
  4. Interesting link about "867-5309" Excerpt: "Jenny (867-5309)" caused nothing but grief for telephone customers unlucky enough to have that combination of numbers as their own. Its relentless chorus, "Jenny don't change your number - eight six seven five three oh nah-eeh-ah-ine," pounded the phone number into the minds of teenagers everywhere, resulting in waves of kids dialing it and asking for Jenny. The joke quickly became old for those who had the number and weren't interested in talking to horny teens. Even as recently as 1999, phone customers unlucky enough to have been assigned an 867-5309 number were still getting plenty of crank calls. An adjunct to this legend is the rumor that due to the overwhelming number of prank calls now made to 867-5309, that phone number is permanently non-assigned for every area code in North America. That isn't the case — although 867-5309 is unassigned in many area codes, we have verified that it is still a valid working number in some of them. The putative owner of the 867-5309 phone number in New York (area code 212) recently put it up for auction on eBay. ______________________ I just tried it in Seattle. Jenny wasn't home. Maybe she is home in your area code?
  5. Alpinfox

    cams and nuts

    Fascinating! How do you open a beer with a small stopper WITHOUT using anything else (like the edge of a table or a rock or something)? Open a beer with a belay device? with a tcu? Inquiring minds want to know.
  6. No problem. I'm gonna edit the title of my post to "RBW1966's Mom's Phone Number" later though.
  7. Could someone please pm me with Squid's phone number?
  8. Don't you mean "Ding! Ding!" Ha ha oh me oh my. I am a funny guy.
  9. "Maybe true. Maybe not true. Better you believe." — Sherpa saying. "As far as I'm concerned, if someone eliminates the mental part of climbing, then we might as well all go play miniature golf." — Greg Opland. "I climb as hard as anyone on earth. I just do it on easier routes." — Mad Dog. "As a member of an escorted tour, you don't even have to know the Matterhorn isn't a tuba." — Temple Fielding. "One does not climb to attain enlightenment, rather one climbs because he is enlightened." — Zen Master Futomaki "Doubly happy is the man to whom lofty mountaintops are within reach". -John Muir
  10. Another Index AM aid session. I gotta be back in SEA for the WCC meeting tomorrow evening, so I can't wait fer yer sorry ass to show up in the PM. Maybe later this week? Sorry to hijack yer thread Aaron.
  11. I would skip out on my rock climbing plans for tomorrow if I can ride in the sled on the way up.
  12. That approach gully is a great example of climber-induced erosion. Beckey claims that approach used to be pretty straightforward and secure, but admits its a dangerous mess now. He actually suggested, partly in jest I think, that the NPS should install some stairs; Smiff rock style.
  13. No, that wasn't me. I was there in late May 2002 and we had LOTS of snow and rock/ice missles in the coulior. The west ridge was totally mushroomed so we went out on the North side like you guys did. There was a snow mushroom sitting on the summit that was the size of a tractor trailer and was hanging over the North side with about a 20ft roof on it. We considered traversing underneath it, which would have been the easiest route to the summit, but we were too freaked out. I got minor frostbite on my toes on that route.
  14. Hey your movies are great! Keep em' coming. Looks like you guys had pretty warm weather and not much snow. No rock/ice missles in the coulior eh?
  15. My guess was St. Helens. In any case, it looks AWFUL! Why oh why would you subject yourself to such a thing? Dr. Alpinfox's prescription: Less snow/scree sloggin' and more rock climbin' (like that Idaho shizzle) for you young lady.
  16. I believe that connecting to the anchor with a couple of daisies (or slings) and locking biners is the most foolproof and least clusterfuckish solution for newbie climbers. Snow, If you are ready to go out with another newbie friend and set up your own topropes, then it's time to buy a rope and an assortment of slings. If you are ready to lead some easier routes (Exit 38) then buy about a dozen quickdraws as well. Until then, I think your money is better spent on learning how to climb (mentor, gym, classes) and learning how to climb safely (mentor, John Long's books, classes).
  17. What mountain is this? Looks like some real high-quality scree.
  18. My dear Posterior Primate, This info has indeed been posted here before, but it wasn't in the "Access Issues" forum where it belongs, so I recommend you leave your post as is. Other Post
  19. Nice TR. Thanks for sharing. Advice: Edit your post and put a return in between your pictures.
  20. As F4 said, the REI.outlet is online only. However, REI used to have an "attic" which was a room where they put discontinued items, returns, and stuff like that and they usually had some really good deals in there. Now they have these items in each individual department on "clearance racks/tables" and I never see any good deals.
  21. Ania, Congrats on your first solo. The "unnamed pyramid" is called "The Pineapple". It's not unusual for a solo ascent to be faster than a rappeled descent. Cheers.
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