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Everything posted by Bug

  1. I think this being a bill certain to fail, Matt should preserve his political capitol and keep his head down. He may need the assistance of these legislators for some other purpose in the future and he will gain nothing by dog-piling on them now.
  2. Bug

    Hey lawyer types

    Most of what Hugh posts is in a state of hysteria.
  3. What? No Wal-Mart puptent? How about a Pup-Mart Walltent? Or a Pall-Wup TartMent? Or a Pent Tup MallWart?
  4. I used to leave the ice ax and crampons behind to save weight. But now I have aluminum in both and throw them in almost every time. It is great to have them for fun diversions and for changes in plans. Just a note for the real newbies; DON'T WEAR CRAMPONS WHEN GLISSADING!!! It will break your leg almost every time.
  5. "Balanced TR" = Trip Report minus 36 oz of testosterone.
  6. Do it! Be ready as Mt Guide outlines but don't be scared off either. I back off of climbs without emotional turmoil all the time. For those of us who love to be out and consider making a summit an secondary objective, the rewards are different. Even if you "Have to summit" Adams is a much safer place to start than Rainier. If everything falls into place, it is a beautiful mountain to summit. The south ridge is very straightforward in good conditions. Ask more questions here if you have any.
  7. http://seattle.craigslist.org/est/spo/1548847600.html Cobras for $100
  8. My daughters and I went up the gulley above the snowpatch under the summit. Lots of 4th class.
  9. Boy. If only Dick had discovered that mole sooner.
  10. He looks too much like my ex-wife's boyfriend. I'm going back to the Vikings.
  11. This board would benefit from some balanced TR's. Best of luck to you!
  12. That makes no sense. They continue to try to corner the market on "dumbshit". Seems like a great fit. Better in the media than the whitehouse.
  13. Bear spray, pistols, and hand grenades. For Mountain lions, wear a mask on the back of your head. They will not attack if they think you are watching. For cougars, give them directions to UW campus.
  14. This gives "Trailer trash" a whole new meaning.
  15. How was the benefits package?
  16. I know two women who were raped. Both were random victims unlike the norm. One was raped at knife point and fought just enough to get his blood on her and her blood on him. He is up for parole in two years. The other one was raped and testified against the rapist. This put him in prison for several years. She was killed by the rapist just as he said he would if she testified against him. He got out on parole and she was dead within 24 hours. Let's try to rehabilitate him again eh? I have two daughters and two step daughters. I beleive in owning guns.
  17. :lmao: I stand corrected.
  18. In general, I support whacking sickos. How to prove that adequately is the question. A court of law can be too subjective. Perhaps if there were criteria for DNA, video footage, recordings, etc where the perp's life was not hanging on the testimony of a witness who might not like the color of his skin. But given some standard of objective data I see no reason to keep them alive at great expense and risk to fellow prisoners.
  19. Ditto. I climbed on straight shaft tools for decades. They worked. About four years ago I bought a pair of second hand Cobras. It is AMAZING how much easier they are to climb with. Cobras are now somewhat obsolete. If you really want to get into ice, Sell your Magic cards. Sell your XBox. Sell whatever you have to and God forbid, maybe even offer to mow a lawn or two. But get good modern tools.
  20. Patience is it's own reward.
  21. Ed Hobbick, Brandon01 and I went up there yesterday but didn't summit. At the top of the third pitch it was about 2PM and the wind was howling. The gulley was kind of thin and I hadn't been on terrain like that for a few years so I beat us up with a long lead. Everything was iced and rimed making rock protection difficult to find. I got two stubby screws in and a few slung features. Above that was sugar snow with a 2" crunchy crust. A scraping off or consolidation period would be good for the face. More ice would be good for the gulley. The step was in really nice though. A couple guys rocketed past us and did the NF. They were back down before we started rappelling. They said the NF was pretty consistent.
  22. Excuse me. That was ignorant. Just a Bitch.
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