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Everything posted by Bug

  1. You need to be more explicit. It almost seems like you are trying to have a conversation.
  2. No matter where I trained beforehand, it took two weeks to get in shape for the bigger walls. Go there and climb like RumR suggested. To directly answer your question, train for unusually long stretches of similar terrain. Train for polished holds and smears. Have your haul system dialed in or that will eat you alive. Work out all day, 5 days a week until you go. Visualize cracks that never end..........
  3. I have a resident tick (head) embedded in the back of my head. It has been there for over 35 years now. I am about to call a doctor to have the lump removed. Or at least see if he can shut the damn thing up.
  4. Bug

    Noob here...

    Check out the Rockfest that Feathered Friends sponsors in Leavenworth.
  5. With "good" people like Bug around who the fuck wouldn't?
  6. Bug

    Why me?

    Easy there. You're drifting into a debate with the dreaded Tvash. None of this silly talk about supersticious ninnys.
  7. He needs to whine about me. Again. The only posts consistantly more tiring and grating than my posts. Perhaps someday we can meet face to face and you can then assess whether I am whining or not. Are you threatening me? Get a fucking grip loser. I don't thtreaten people. That is your cowardly style. So read your own post. My point is that you hide behind an avatar when you tell a total stranger that you should have capped him. If you want to live long, you should try not to threaten strangers' lives. You are just lucky I am not crazy enough to threaten, incite, or commit violence. So stop whinning, man up, and apologize for talking about murdering me like anyone with a shred of common decency would do.
  8. He needs to whine about me. Again. The only posts consistantly more tiring and grating than my posts. Perhaps someday we can meet face to face and you can then assess whether I am whining or not.
  9. Sorry. Just responding to Sobo.
  10. Hey Sobo, I did not mean for any of my negativity to be directed in your direction. You do not fit in the asshole category at all as far as I know. I don't know about DH but it seemed to me that his post was pretty negative. I could certainly be wrong and maybe he even knows the guy. But as I said, when people are posting here for the first time and they get flamed, they are less likely to come back. That seems unfortunate to me. Especially in a supposedly information oriented forum (unlike spray). HC is so often abrassive on principle, I assumed he was being his usual self. In another thread he talked about wishing he had murdered me so I may be biased against his general character and sense of common decency. I offer no apologies there. Can we hear from the post originator and the responder?
  11. When my father worked for the FS in Region 1, they spent enough on repairing vandalism every year to pay for construction of one new campground. One strategy that was considered was to let the public trash an area and then close it for a year due to the vandalism. The closure signs would state that and hopefully the combination of seeing the area trash beyond use and then closed would stir a positive response when the area reopened. This was never put into practice so no one knows how it would work.
  12. Well, anyway, it seems like bashing people on their first friendly posts is bullshit. That is what spray is for. The top two posts in this thread were from posters with one post each. One asked for information, the other gave some. He may not be a "Jedi" by anyone else's standards but who cares. His response was informative. If every newcomer in every forum has to seem "cool" to the resident assholes, this site will become useless very quickly.
  13. present company excluded, of course Yeah. Well it takes a crusty old fart to point it out that way now doesn't it?
  14. This is a good way to meet climbers in a great climbing area. It is a little over-organized for many but it still provides opportunities to people new to the area and /or new to the sport. PS. The good people on this board outnumber the assholes.
  15. Two wankers in a row. DH why are you so threatened by someone feeling good about their climbing? You are probably getting all testosteroned out over a simply well-meaning post. Stop being such an asshole. HC at least he isn't threatening to kill anybody. Crawl back under your slimy rock.
  16. Ditto dat. Do your research Mtn. Wanker.
  17. Bug

    Mountie boulder sesh

    Guys, guys. It's wellpast 70 you should be focused on shit. I'm tellin ya, it comes up on you all too fast. At least get after that purse Tvash greased.
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