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Everything posted by Bug

  1. You definately NEED a vacation. Or sabbattical. Or whatever you want to call it. When you are old and feeble and look back at your life you will wish you had taken more time off. Both for play and to play with your kids. Ask any old fart who is too old to climb and their kids live as far away as possible.
  2. Trad climbers don't have this problem. Just a thought.
  3. Bug

    Post counts

    I have read this entire thread and I decided I might as well post now. Now I will throw up. Thank you. That was fulfilling.
  4. Seeing that you were awake at 3:04am editing your drivel you won't be able to stay away While I disagree with Mazegirl, I respect her way more than people who attack her with malicious stupidity.
  5. Well made points. I would just add that if/when I am in another country or here, I will freely express SHAME at what we are doing in Iraq, Latin America, and even to our own civil liberties. The US is in deep trouble since corporations got control of the supreme court, congress, and the presidency. China is also running roughshod over its poor and Tibet.
  6. He would forgive you for placing all those bolts.
  7. Mazegirl, I am trying to take your posts as information but you seem more and more to be totally regurgitating the Party line. It would be like one of these guys on this board saying that George Bush and Dick Cheney really thought they had indisputable evidence of WMD in Iraq before they invaded. I want to look at your posts with an open mind but it is becomig harder and harder to separate your posts from Chinese State news headlines. I guess I just have a lot of trouble with ANYONE who backs a huge government blindly.
  8. Mazegirl, I do not beleive a lot of what you say about Chinese gov intentions and methodologies with regards to Tibet. Please do not refer to me as a racist for disagreeing. I deeply respect your taking this debate to a deeper understanding of our similarities and differnces.
  9. There is another pitch obove that one too Sherri. If you stay on teh bolted line curving right it is hard 10. But if you veer left at the crack, it is 5.8/9 and ends at a small tree. But if no one has done it for awhile, it will be full of dirt.
  10. I usually climb the orange/yellow line. Sometimes I climb the bolted alternative in pink.
  11. Mazegirl, I respect the Chinese people but not the Chinese government. Tibet is being destroyed by Chinese Government policy and military force. It is no different than when the Taliban destroyed the 800 year old buddist statues except that more buddists are being killed in Tibet. I look forward to the day when this older regime dies off and the Chinese gov stops killing people for practicing their multi thousand year old traditions. No I have not been there but I have spoken with Tibetan refugees. I suggest you do the same.
  12. Damn them caulage boys n all ther damn crap.
  13. What kind of loads does it take?
  14. Bug

    Measles outbreak

    And they should all buy MLU's.
  15. Bug

    Post counts

    Dru is now channeling Kaskadasky
  16. Only an idiot would climb those.
  17. Test my knee in the alpine again. May be a slow trip.
  18. Whaa Hoo! I'm buyin a desil Hummer and belchin shit into the atmosphere. An ifn any a them damn AY-Rabs tries ta stop me Ah'll blow is damnn head off.
  19. I would not say "GO FOR IT!" but I would say, go up there and get your toes wet. See what it is like with an eye on your escape. My primary concern would be the 45mph winds at the summit. They could be just as strong lower down and you could find yourself in a screaming whiteout. Or they could be worse than that. This would be a good time for liberal use of wands and GPS. And, since the cold front is moving in Sat,you could have clear skies in the AM that turn into a fierce linticular in the afternoon. But most likely it will just hammer you at Muir.
  20. Glad I checked in. See you next week. Maybe.
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