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Everything posted by Skisports

  1. hey Dru I can give you a belay if you need one. Driveways can be a bitch
  2. from what I remember the rock isn't that bad. yam is a bit chossy but there is quite bit of rock climbing in bow valley from quartite, to limestone.
  3. I beleive that this will be the 50,000 post
  4. This is diffrent type of insurance but, by joining the AAC you get rescue insurance overall it isn't that much.
  5. sounds like some dinnerplates fell down that gully
  6. When I have time I will find a pic for you and post it. what are you looking for?
  7. David I am having the same problem, when you upload you pics have to post them roughy around 300pixels by 500.
  8. probably Thats why I can't climb as well as I should eh
  9. Ha Haaa... Trask I bet you are an expert on fine cusine, such as Rocky Mountain Oysters eh?
  10. Josh look for some new lines in the pickets that we could get our hands on
  11. Your pics are too big or put them into a jpg format. Make sure your pic size is less then 250kb BTW Timmy it is not letting me delete a picture. I want to take it off and resize it.
  12. I perfer not to buy shit... it stinks... messy and I can get it for free out in my lawn.
  13. I if you have a something with good ground clearnace you will make it we had some rain over here last night I imagine it accumalted some in the Mts but i don't know what is down in the road such as logs snow ect.
  14. ahhh... you don't look foward a "Royal Custer Fuck"
  15. Nothing like and shakes while your out climbing. I would perfer it over cytomax
  16. I agree... I do know Paul Bauger somewhat, he is a great guy and seems to know his shit. As for the web site it dose suck
  17. I don't know about level 2 being unnecessary for most recreational backcountry travelers. yeah if you intend to head out once a year into the the BC yeah you are right. But most people I Imagine who use this site are more then your avarage recreational BC traveler. But who am I to say. even if you are avarage it is very easy to get caught in condtions unsafe durring the winter. As for the US not having a set cirumulum you are also right that I why over any class in the US I would recomend the Canadain courses. Because it is set and you have to test out of the class vrs getting a certificate of particapation.
  18. Exactly, two pickets work great.. even a shovel blade works allright. The cedar board works better then the trillum bases that you have to buy. Find out what works for you.
  19. http://www.avalanche.org/~nai/course.htm
  20. I have gone through level 3 avalanche seminars in the US I would recommend saving you money and going throught the Canadain Level 1 it is alot more money time and Information then any of the US classes. If I had the time myself I would take level 1 Canadian. BTW if you intented to take a Avy class in the states and have basic info on Avy, I will contest Level 1 US and go On to Level 2. Level 1 US is pretty much just telling you what avalanche terrain is. Level two is Pits and recording. The two do overlap. Overall you can read the same info that they teach in avy books. I would highly recomend the "Avalanche Hand Book" By David McClung. I hope this info helps Dave
  21. I went over 4 of july pass two days ago there was less snow now then in oct... but I did see some posible ice to climb
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