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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. Hah... yeah, one with sound even.. So you can hear her Squeek.. No barking yet... just a little "Eh eh eh" sound when she's looking for some breakfast/lunch/dinner/inbetween/all the time... The only problem with singleton pups is that they don't have any competition, so the get rounder than you can imagine... I hear they also think the world revolves around them...
  2. Another picture... She's dried off now
  3. Nov. 1, 1:30am, Cleo and Cash the boxers had a big fat puppy girl... So far so good! Isn't she cute!
  4. We all know alpinedave would win that wet t-shirt contest with his fabulous "man-boobs" ...
  5. Sounds like an episode of "Sex in the City", I mean grasslands... Someone call my publisher!! thanks for the laughts UT
  6. hah, you got me... Didn't want to attract any more hordes than what already bombard the place when quietly I'm trying to read my morning paper with scone and latte... It's getting chilly out, so they are all moving inside and crowding my space Perts =
  7. Leschi Deli (In Leschi, on lake washington) Say Hi to Max and Mae Mae makes the best sausage breakfast sammich in seattle... Sometimes crowded due to bicycle gangs (oh, I mean team rides) that loiter around Lk wash blvd on the weekend a.m.'s
  8. See ya tonight birthday girl!!!
  9. nah, thats for a ganglion (hence the name "bible cyst")
  10. my heart goes out to his family... I do not know what to say. just a thought: we need to remember, treat everone we interact with as such... you don't want the last time you dissed them on cc.com to be the last thing you ever said to them. be real.
  11. nice job! It ROCKS!
  12. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/apfeature_story.asp?category=1120&slug=Hong%20Kong%20Pingpong%20Politics
  13. Dr. Doug Hanel, Harborview Medical Center http://www.orthop.washington.edu/faculty/Hanel Dr. Ed North, Evergreen Proliance Group http://www.proliancesurgeons.com/698.html?page=698&SESSION=e2ef8244682604d7bc341e6797fc8143&s=0 Dr. Carlton Keck, Seattle Hand surgery group http://www.seattlehand.com/keck.html Dr. John Sack Seattle Hand surgery Group http://www.seattlehand.com/sack.html There are lots of great hand surgeons in the city, these just came to mind off the top of my head... They probably won't want to do surgery unless it's hindering your mobility.
  14. your new bike pedals are not set up right, and cause a tracking problem with your patella, inflaming the fat pad near the patella and some bursitis? no history of trauma that is my best guess.
  15. Thank you mtguide, for translating... it would have rendered him a quad. The level of injury would have been quite high, due to where helmets sit at the back of your neck. He would have been lucky to shrug his shoulders (cranial nerves control shoulder shrugging, and are therefor not indicative of the "level" of injury) Klenke, I was merely giving the page number for those who were interested in reading the text. Hemi is what he was - one side of his body was paralysed due to the brain injury Quad is what he wasn't - 4 limbs paralyzed, due ot spinal cord damage. The brain is very elastic (medical term for it can figure out new ways to do things) allowing for better recovery potential than a cord injury. I'm not advocating not wearing a helmet, just thought it was an interesting story that had some relevance to the topic being discussed. Thank you Juan for making that point. What some people don't realize is that our local trauma hospital actually holds an operating room open when we know a damaged person is inbound. Recently we held a room open all weekend for a climber, so that we could rush them straight to surgery, no delays, if needed. The effects of accidents are huge. They go far beyond the partner, the rescuers, the family...
  16. I realize this may be totally random, but speaking of head injuries reminded me of something... In the book "Totem Pole" page 69, there is a musing by Paul Pritchard's neurosurgeon about what would have happened (theoretically) if he'd been wearing a helmet; that it (the helmet) might have transferred to force (of the rock that hit him on the head and made him a hemiplegic) from his skull to his cervical spine and similar to what it seen in motorcycle accidents result in quadraplegia instead of a head injury.
  17. icegirl

    helmet vs. hair

    sno is gonna give merv a run for his money...
  18. icegirl

    Girl Repellent

  19. me thinks mike layton has lost his mind... he can't remember who he is, he is nothing more than the last pile of choss he topped out on... We must take up a collection for his psychiatric care, how else will he be functional enough to return to chiro school in the fall...
  20. FWIW, sissy-quah brew pub closes at 10pm...
  21. amazing. gotta love zappa.
  22. pffft. summer is just the recovery--->training time for ice. Thanks Ken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I sure hope so! Do we need to start drumming up support now?
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