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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. lol
  2. prana top!
  3. icegirl

    Bad Photo Contest

  4. icegirl

    Bad Photo Contest

    nice AGA lummox...
  5. I pack my fly rod in with the tent polls, and the reel, well, it can stash about anywhere... My flys, well, either in a flybox, or in a film canister depending on what I'm fishin'. And occasionally just to be extra geeky, one or two on the shoulder straps of my pack
  6. sorry, I stick to anime... (I'm already geeky enough as it is)
  7. Another vote for the Alpine Attack..
  8. not that I know of...
  9. icegirl

    cc.com pet peeves

    but are the REAL people? Sajawhateverski always having to get in the last word...
  10. haven't you left yet?????
  11. hah, I'm sure the straight men would all start screaming discrimination if I only invited girls and gay men (so no, Harry, not close enough, keep trying)
  12. Dave... wassup! You planning this shindig? Any thoughts on Sept vs. early october? I like rylands idea of smith AFTER 11worth... (being that rain is less of an issue there) Are we going to make it a long weekend thing for those of us (okay me) who work weekends? Hey, Wednesday ladies, this is something to plan on attending to get out on some different rock! You have the basics, now all you need is rock time! By september, you'll all be kickin' ASS!
  13. can you climb like a girl???
  14. darn, the would leave out my size Just kiddin', i'm a mythos addict...
  15. uh.... is this climbing discussion in the spray forum? ? ? ? I didn't think this was allowed
  16. It was such a good setup, like Kloden for Lance... Tee hee...
  17. muffy moment... We need a graemlin for it...
  18. Ben, you don't need a tazer to repel the wimmin'....
  19. yes, there are such a thing as butt implants (and calf, cheek, chin, you name it, we've got it) . Very popular in the west hollywood circles. The story sounds quite suspect though. Another good one is the Brazillian Butt Lift, which is a real proceedure, the likes of which virtually unknown in this country before "Extreme Makeover" hit the airwaves.
  20. Selkirk, it is not easy to get on my "good list" it took the wearer of his wifes red velvet chalk bag more than two years to make the cut. Added to that, you have to make sure you get on the correct list... I have lots of rules and lots of lists... Anyhow, it's not _that_ cool a list to be on, unless you want to be ropegun/belay monkey for a bunch of newbie girl climbers...
  21. That's okay, Merv, According to some sources, I don't climb either... Let them think what they want...
  22. Sandles are great for the time climbing, but ithe only complaint I've heard both times so far was while hiking out in the dark.... "Gee, I would've liked some stouter shoes" ... SO, for those who want to carry extra stuff, bring yer flip-flops, cause like Special said, they are cooler and easier to slip on and off. OR, if you are really comfortable hiking in your sandles, go for it, just don't say I didn't warn ya...
  23. note to self... in addition to mosq repellent mace... (AKA boy repellent) Go climb with the boys, sparky..
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