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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. last time my dog tripped me, and I fell on her, she made a fine crash pad (to her and my dismay) So, in my experience (of one) Brindle Boxer smootchie face dogs make good crash pads - albiet moving targets... No, in all seriousness, I will ask my bouldering buddy, as his seems to be quite good (good enough to get me off the deck w/out a rope) and has worked quite well every time taken out.
  2. unless that is line from a song... leave it to trask to add thread drift to an already drifted thread Now I've got to go dig out my Bauhaus CD. Took my Billy Idol's greatest hits to work last week, I was amazed at how many of the doc's LOVED it... Kind of un-nerving though to be in surgery and realize that you're rockin' to Billy, and you are not the only one singing along and dancin' with yourself...
  3. CD would imply that you like them enough to go out and buy a 'digitally remaster' copy of the classic
  4. yeah, but do you actually still own a bauhaus CD?
  5. What's wrong DFA? Too old, too young, or too punk for us? Shall I guess too young? [ 08-08-2002, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  6. That would officially be a "writhing horde" Yeah, not sure I'd want to put my hand in a crack that hissed either... Rattler, bat, snafflehound, whatever it was it didn't want to be bothered
  7. Feathered gelled mullet? Better watch out, I hear the mullet may be making a comeback, you might just find yourself at the hight of style...
  8. reminds me of a day out a Middle E. Wall at vantage. Partner backed off a BEAUTIFUL crack 'cause it hissed at him. Twice.
  9. another vote for Givlers crack... Yeah, that first move was designed by a tall route setter But the climb ROCKS from there. Oh, and watch for rattlesnakes Not quite the "writhing hords" you find in Mazama, but we saw two last time we were up there... Layin' there soaking up the sun, enjoying themselves heartily until us good for nothing climbers arrived to interrupt their nap... [ 08-08-2002, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  10. DFA; And I though some of us had a lot of free time That or your brain works Amazingly Fast, oh, I mean flash... Or you are really a computer programmed to give the most logical response ASAP... .
  11. Whatever... It was a tasteless joke. Like a DNR tattoo across one's chest. I work there. If I got broken, I'd like to be returned there for expert medical care. [ 08-07-2002, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  12. Allison: Kubiak started here at the UW , and then got accepted into an Ortho residency in New York last I checked... Quite the character, the local climbing community misses him... Hey, DFA, isn't Darius Azin back down there now?
  13. A Mr. Yuck sticker does me fine... And the occasional biohazard... fun fun the stickers you can find in a hospital... caution: contents may be soaked in formalin
  14. Okay, that is funny... incontinance pads, and girl dog "diapers" are already available... I've picked up enough "other" dog waste in the past 4 months to almost think that is a good idea.
  15. Dude! Chill! Just hanging on the computer, bored, same as Bone... Something to talk about...
  16. Yeah, now that you mention it, what's up with that...
  17. I like the little "report post" whistle blower... cute [ 08-06-2002, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  18. OOooo.... dancing ghouls to boot!
  19. Sport, trad, rockets of all sorts... Whatever... Seems to me climbing ethics change with the wind, and whomever one is hanging out with at the moment... (and what climbing rag hits the stands first this month) I know a few hard man climbers that pull on plastic (and are damn happy to send that .12+ problem in the gym) when the rain starts and are waiting for the ice to form... on the same token, some sportpups who say if they can't send 5.14, that they are going to go learn to trad, and be happy if they can learn to climb 5.12 crack... Whatever makes one happy, just climb safe. The mountains are there for all of us... (just had to do it, couldn't help self)
  20. [ 08-05-2002, 10:38 PM: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  21. crotch rocket = term used to describe motorcycles... rice rocket = considered by some a derogatory term used to describe high powered (and some not so high powered) motorcycles produced outside of the united states. (at least that's what my mom told me, and she used to ride a bike... ) Similar to the term rice burner when talking about cars. Now, about that climbing....
  22. Trask, where _do_ you find these things... Do long underwear count? (as undergarments)
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