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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. Park pub or Nickerson has my vote (if I'm still allowed to vote that is)
  2. I'll be trapped at work 'till 11pm, so will also be interested in the Pub Club meeting transcripts and a video copy of the highly acclaimed "dance of a thousand beers" to be performed by the Climber formerly known as Alpine K... (and if anyone is still around that late, see ya there...)
  3. can't help but relate a true story from a few years back at Harborview Medical Center... Gang banger is driving around with his woman in the car... says something that pissed her off... she pulls a gun out of a glove box, and shoots him in the face.. he proceeds to take gun from her and shoots her. Drives himself to harborview and in the interview with the guy who fixed him up and the police officers, says "then she pulled out the gun and shot me in the face" officers: "then what did you do", dude: "shit man, I took the gun and killed the bitch" ... Yeah, it does happen. perhaps my perspective is a little different than others
  4. Currently SG seems more like a field trip gym, with a nice bouldering section... Lots of kids, less serious attitude than VW (except in the bouldering section, and the way long overhanging ceiling lead) They have a couple hands cracks in the TR/Lead areas, have not gotten a chance to try 'em yet cause I belay for my membership (volunteer belayer program -I'm a cheapskate, what can I say) and have been out tromping about in the snow and ice all winter... The spackle is a nice step up, and the holds are still reasonable clean. They have stopped grading in the YDS, and call everything a + or - (5.11+) - = a/b, + = b/c.... I guess this is sort of okay, since there is such variance in gym routes anyway, but a little disconcerting the first couple times till you figure out what you a really on (I guess in my mind there is a big difference between a 10a and a 10d, even in the gym - not just "one grade" apart...) I really like Cascade crags, and would even purchase a membership there, if it were not so far away from me. I like the staff attitude, or lack thereof, the pro shop, and like the fact that they have a foam and mix wall for us tool junkies... I give them my "single visit" money
  5. So we shoud just hope for summer to come sooner than later? Must.... get.... out.... side..... Plastic... indoor.... wall... getting.... lamer.... by... second...
  6. Don't worry guys, I'll still show at pub clubs when work allows... I'll even try to bring other women I go for the beer and engaging conversation, funny how the spray tends to be absent in person... For what it's worth I'm not going to stop reading this site regardless of where spray is posted, I was merely questioning the need for it all over the board, when there is a sandbox designed specifically for it (and yes, I do read the spray section from time to time - for those of you who check the "who's online" and were going to say something)
  7. I'm curious as to the role of the moderators on this site. It seems like they moderate some things, and don't moderate others. Specifically referring to the spray that comes up on the main board. This may not be the moderators job, but the posters job to moderate ones self. I only ask because sometimes very relevant info that I would like to show some climbing friends at work, happens to be sandwiched between a couple of risqué little graphics and a lot of trash talk. I am embarrassed by some of it, and therefore do not introduce some of those climber/friends to CC.com. There have been things showing up recently that I would be very uncomfortable bringing up on my computer if my SO were leaning over my shoulder, or my boss for that matter. (yeah yeah, I shouldn't be reading CC.com at work) I hear the spray already... "If you can't stand the heat" "this wasn't advertised as a 'family' site", "don't read it if you don't like it" etc.. BUT, that is what the spray section is for. Take it there. I would like to be able to read CC.com at work, and show it to my friends as a resource for pacific northwest climbers, without being afraid that I'll get hosed by those lovely icons of multifarious sexual acts next time I'm looking for the future pub club location... I'm not saying don't post it, just post it where it belongs... Perhaps I just need to re-asses what I thought this site was, and if that's the case, that's fine too...
  8. Just remember... it's like the bathroom thing (us girls stick together for those minds who were in the gutter) Where she goes, I've got her back [ 03-13-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  9. quote: if you don't like the locaction or think that you are being wronged then suck it up and make the chouce next week... Uh, doing something like this is what started this whole issue. Accidentally, I might add. that's what I get for a) not reading the rule book, and b) not reading CC.com 24/7.
  10. Help me out Allison!!! I think it's the Woodland Park Pub, on the E. side of the street (not the Woodland park inn/dive or whatever that is on the W. side of street...)
  11. Hey boys and girls... (and lambone and trask too...) How about pub club in Seattle this week? Some of us girls were thinking that place with the cheap pints again up by Woodland park...
  12. It has been brought to my attention that mentioning there may be some people drinking on the W. Side if we don't want to drive to Issaquah was not appropriate, showed disrespect for the "event" and was an attempt to hijack the Pub Club. SO, I take back my invite to those who are not going to be to Issaquah, there will be no organized drinking in Seattle on Tuesday 3/12/02. Do not show up, CC.com posters will not be welcome. And since i have a personal invite from Ray... [ 03-11-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  13. Holy Smokes, from here on out I'm only posting ideas for a NON-Tuesday night seattle-ite friendly drink fests. Some of these "reply's" if you can call them such are getting a little out there. It seems like the "official" pub club is gonna be in 'Quah.. and us lame asses who don't want to drive will be having a cold one at the Park, so what are the rest of you freaking out about... Oh, wait, this is CC.com. Spraying to spray and increase our number of posts... What was I thinking...
  14. fine by me... I only piped up about a pub club because no one else had... Not here for an argument or sprayfest, just trying to figure out if the drinking is close to home or not. I apologize if I made the E. Siders feel shorted by ignoring their request for a Pub Club, but as I've been working quite a bit as of late, have not been up on the Pub Club discussions about desired whereabouts for a couple weeks. Perhaps my "Seattle is where some of us will be drinking" was mis-interpreted. It was/is not an attempt to split the Pub Club, just saying for those not heading to the E. Side, a few of us will be closer to home so we reduce our risk of a DUI (3 miles vs. 30 miles... statistics...) Just because some people choose to drive long distances does not mean to be "a real CC.com'er" I am required to, or did I miss that in the rule book. Honestly I really don't care tremedously where it is, and yes, I went to Issaquah even though the "Official" one was in Tacoma. I'll go to ones that strike me as interesting (FB showing up for example, and I do apologize for getting there late BTW) or close to home. This is all getting awfully regimented for something that is supposed to be a fun thing for people to drop in on... Whatever... [ 03-11-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  15. Sansivera : Yes to Tuesday nights, but some times if we are bored, and are such loosers that we can't find anything better to do we call a second Pub Club on another night.. .Fridays seem have done well so far You should join us! So far the most women I've seen at one of these things is 4..
  16. Seattle is where some of us are drinking tomorrow. (unless of course FB is willing to give us another chance) My rational could be way off, but here goes... (Pullling out the Spray Umbrella) Seems to me a lot of the pub club-ers who I've met (at pub clubs) live in about a 5 mile radius of the Ballard Bridge... We are all happy to drive now and then (I've been to an Issiquah Pub Club) but 3 weeks in a row on the outskirts? (correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Alki, Tacoma, and now aiming for E. side?) Why not something like this... Alki - Seattle - Tacoma - Seattle - E. Side - Seattle - North somewhere - Seattle... etc.. For those of you going to the Seattle meeting for the public input on the Mt. Rainier GMP/EIS thing; do show up, the fun goes on into the wee hours, don't feel bad about getting there late!
  17. looks a bit like Hubba Hubba, but I'm probably wrong
  18. from Stedman's medical dictionary: Kegal's exercise... The contraction and relaxation of perineal muscles for treatment of urinary stress incontinance (and other things. makes 'em stronger)
  19. I'll tell you a little story... Many years ago, when I was diving instructor, I had a student (female) who was very proud of the fact that she could pee standing (and would boast of her ability and show anyone who cared to watch - she was more than a little strange). I of course what astounded, and mildly annoyed at the negative publicity (or so I thought) she was 'spraying' for women in general. I will admit I thought the concept kind of repulsive. Then I started doing extended range diving (long deep dives on mixed gasses with LONGER decompression times), and I realized very quickly that men have an advantage in such situations as we all wore drysuits. Men had the Texas Catheter (condom with some tubing) a one way valve, and outflow valves on their drysuits. Women's options, catheter, hold it, or diapers. hmmm.. When I started climbing, I realized again that women were again at a disadvantage in these areas. It sucks to have to bear it all just to take a leak (at least we can, and are not stuck in a drysuit), not to mention possibly dangerous depending on the environment and your harness type. SO, when I found out that some women had solved this problem (either by strong kegals, or a unrinary director) I was impressed (and the though "why didn't I think of this" crossed my mind), and remember back to that student of mine, the things I said, and although her reasons were different (novelty act), have a little more respect for her now. AND made a link on my website for women (and men - a gift idea) everywhere so that they don't have to accidentally stumble on it and think "why have I been torturing myself all these years"http://staff.washington.edu/ljames It is not "American" for women to pee standing, but I challenge you to open you mind a little and do some research. What you will find out is that american women are not the norm. It is not hygenic to sit while peeing. Many women in many other cultures pee standing, and think american women are very perplexing in their need to find a place to sit to take a leak. Just thought I'd thow in my two cents.... And, Yes, you can write your name in the snow... [ 03-01-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  20. A woman finds a bottle, and out of the bottle (as in most jokes) pops a Genie. Genie: "Okay lady, you get one wish, make it snappy, I don't have a lot of time here..." Woman: -flustered- "uh..." (looking around a bit bewildered) Genie: "Come on, come on... wasting time..." Woman: "Uh... uh..." (looks over and sees her cat sitting on the counter) "Could you turn my cat into the most wonderful caring delightful prince of a man?" Genie: "NO PROBLEM!!" *Poof* (genie is outta there) Woman: looks over and sees where her cat was sitting the most handsome man she's ever seen... Cat: -in a wonderful baratone voice, the kind that melts the hearts and knees of women everywhere- "Too bad you got me fixed..."
  21. Adding to Allisons comment about putting the ring down. Correct, unless he's got a dog (not is a dog), or she brings a dog. Then putting the lid down is a must. Ah, the fear of the girl police and walking to the bathroom alone... Are you sure that wasn't telling too much???!?!?!? I also work in a 90/10 male dominant workplace, and have caught myself more than once thinking, "I'll just explain to him why his GF/fiance/wife is pissed off for no understandable reason" then I come to my senses. They wouldn't believe me anyway, and it would only confirm their belief that women are from another planet and would definately not be worth the trouble if it were not for the nookie... [ 03-01-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  22. Showing up at a pub club and meeting some of these guys would be a good start. Every Tuesday, always a a good time... Other women do go, http://staff.washington.edu/ljames/pubclub.html for proof. I've found a couple good climbing partners on this site, don't get discouraged by the spray boys... icegirl
  23. http://stickdeath.com
  24. Veg, you crack me up... I love the little lurker graemlins...
  25. Dave, I indeed showed up (no faith in this group!) Dwayner, it was a pleasure to finally meet you! Great turn out gang! I was impressed enough to take a few pictures... (MattP, thanks for the idea) Check them out at http://staff.washington.edu/ljames/pubclub.html And yes, proof that more than one woman attends these things can be found there... [ 02-20-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ] [ 02-20-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ]
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