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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. My climbing partner forgot one rock shoe on a trip to Little Cottonwood. He did an impressive lead in one rock/one running shoe before we drove back down into town to REI to remedy the problem...
  2. I wondered what those were...
  3. fantastic trip report! once again, for those who didn't catch it, and those who missed it... some picts are posted at: http://staff.washington.edu/ljames/pubclub.html more to follow...
  4. better than no web server at all
  5. Nickerson Street Saloon 318 Nickerson Street, SeattleTel: (206) 284-8819 http://www.nwbrewpage.com/wapubs/Nickerson.html
  6. Sounds good... Final result, Nickerson SaloonSouth end of the Freemont Bridge. 7:30 - whenever See ya all there... (as for Tacoma, sorry boys, if I've been drinking beers, I try to stay close to home - lame, I know...)
  7. I'm leaning towards the Nickerson... (you know, so we don't get hit with that same pub two weeks in a row thing...)
  8. There or the Nickerson.... Either is fine by me... Are either of those within biking distance for you Beck? if everyone else is on the job, then the girls will be calling it
  9. I'm there!! Probably not till 8ish.
  10. if the girl to guy ratio keeps leaning the direction it was friday, then I'm guessing the boys are going to demand their own Pub Club. How can they talk dick and fart jokes with so many girls around, it might cramp their style... We will have the male friendly boy's Pub fest, at the seedy-ist bar in town, and the Girly pub club another day- yes, boys invited - no, no umbrella drinks, - yes, cheap pitchers are still a must... Allison - what days are the pint's cheap at that place you recommended?
  11. Whenever, I was thinking 7:30-8ish... Nothing set in stone,
  12. Okay, consensus seems to be The Nickerson Saloon!! See ya all there! Icegirl
  13. If that's the one directly south west of the bridge, with the funny coffee stand behind it... then that's what I was thinking... Any input?
  14. We could change it to that pub on the South side of the fremont bridge, I think that one is non-smoking... And a bit bigger if we are growing in number... I'd forgotten there were smokers pubs in Seattle anymore
  15. Dexter and Hayes Public House... It's small, and I'll guess the pitchers are not the cheapest, but it's an excuse to get together and talk about climbing... -Icegirl
  16. Form of Waterfall! Form of Ice Tool! Wondertwin powers, ACTIVATE! If only it were that easy...
  17. We should take up a collection...
  18. Dexter and Hayes pub... (On the corner of Dexter and Hayes...) Any takers?
  19. heh heh... Oh baby, let me carry your bouldering pad... Sounds to much like maxi pad. . .
  20. Discovering in climbing seems to infer that one found a "new" route. (up or down) When I used to dive shipwrecks that were well beyond the recreational limit, if I knew that a commercial team had already been there (which was 99% of the time) I would never use the term "Discovered" when writing to the diving rags. I'd say usually say "explored" or likewise, even though in many cases we were the "first" recreational team to dive that wreck Just my take. [ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  21. Yeah, last Monday I think, 16yo kid caught an edge while snowbording out of bounds off a 30-40' cliff. Had a helmet, but reports say he landed hard, head first, probably broke his neck. Guess he was DRT (dead right there) We were just leaving when the ambulance was pulling in. Bummer. Caught it on the news when I got home...
  22. I'd be game for the six-arms... probably more like 8:30-9ish?
  23. So, meeting for beers on Friday was bounced around. What's the consensus? Fremont? Ballard? Capitol Hill? I think there will be at least three people there if we can decide on a place.... Icegirl
  24. icegirl


    Banks lake.... OOoooo...
  25. Climbing and beer drinking?? Carbing up for climbing Saturday...
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