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Everything posted by telemarker

  1. This is taken from Earl Peak in Spring, 2000 which was a big snow year. 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 speed graphic camera, fuji velvia.
  2. Yep definitely some vignetting. I guess if I cared I could've touched the photo up, but that would take time away from picking my nose or something like that...Any software that requires more of me than point and click I'm not interested.
  3. Thanks. Arcsoft.
  4. On top of bathtub dome
  5. Backside of Dragontail after 3 couloirs Looking down towards Aasgard Pass just yesterday, 8-1-06 just kidding....
  6. From backside of colchuck balanced rock Taken from under the huge roof on w. face, CBR
  7. So, cool, isn't that like, over an 800 foot drop? And you'd like that one back? Hmmmmm....
  8. Does this route go up the chimney to the right, or the flake/crack that angles out left?
  9. Damn kids, always in such a hurry.
  10. Nope, but thanks for playing!
  11. Winter, summer, you just can't get enough of that place up there! Nice work. Glad to see the human lung joined you for the trip. Did you lead the whole thing?
  12. describe it and give me your address and I'll send it back.
  13. At what pitch did you have to bail? We were wondering if it were possible to bail after the Robbins Traverse if one needed to. One surprising aspect about the route too was the belays. I was erroneously expecting the belays to be nicely bolted like The Nose, considering the traffic RNWF receives. To the contrary, the first belay has a smashed over 3/8" bolt backed up by three rusty pins. The rest of the belays usually had one bolt with pins. Every belay needed supplemental gear, no big deal really, just surprising and refresing actually.
  14. More random photos from Kyle Flick's new digi camera:
  15. Climb: Half Dome, Yosemite-Regular NW Face Date of Climb: 6/21/2006 Trip Report: After a failed attempt on The Nose due to a number of reasons, principal of which was our glacial pace (too much time in aiders on the lower pitches to Dolt Tower, our high point) and lack of water, we reverted to plan "B": Half Dome, RNWF. We took the long approach, literally and figuratively. Most parties treat this route as a long day outing, and rightly so. The next time I climb it, it will be in a day. Not us. We took 2 1/2 days, hiking in via Mist Trail and fixing the first 4 pitches the first day, then a bivy on Big Sandy the 2nd day. Flick, Tift and myself were three first-timers to the valley, ever, and felt this strategy the best option. Looking back, selectively forgetting the tangled mess of ropes at each belay and the heavy packs (2)and the frustration of waiting at each belay to untangle said tangles, it was an excellent experience in Big Walling not quite on the scale of El Cap. Of course no hauling and a scaled down rack was a huge difference. Overall we felt it was a successful trip despite the humbling experience on The Nose. Maybe Kyle can add a few pics once he gets around to it. Billable time... A few pictures of the route: Evening glow on the face the first night Kyle jugging and Steve following Pitch 4, which went French Free, since the bolts are closely spaced Steve's rejuvenated Fires Tift Not the hands of a lawyer Flick dropping down for a few lateral moves. One cool pitch. Kyle jugging Pitch 22 Final summit scramble Unfinished Business Gear Notes: Doubles of most cams up to #3.5 Approach Notes: Mist Trail, long but easy.
  16. This is an amended TR for this same route, nine months later on 6-3-06. Kyle and I knew we had a short window to get some aid pitches in, and hauling with a full load. The forecast was 80%pop on Sunday, but 0% for Saturday, so a bivi on M & M was out. So, we'd get what we could, which was to the top of pitch 5. The weather was moving in, and by Sunday morning in Wenatchee it was a downpour. Good practice anyways, and pitch 5 is an incredible pitch, the double roofs making the Lith Lip seem like child's play. The approach with dubious weather in the morning. The supposed A3 2nd pitch, which is more like C2. A cam hook this time and #1 slider nut eliminates any need to nail Looking down from the roof on P3 P5 started off with a 10 foot pendulum, to a small ledge that took a grappling hook nicely. Top step the aider to finish off the mantel to some good gear, then to a funky pull-tab bolt. Lots of air on the mantel. The second roof really spits you out from the wall. Really a spectacular position. Kyle cleaning the roofs. Heading down yet again
  17. Thanks Chuck, BTW, did you enroll in the "Part D Supplemental Life"?
  18. Are you insured under Public Employees Benefit Bureau (PEBB)? Did you get any supplemental (term) life insurance because of your climbing? If so, did they (Reliastar Ins. Inc.) ask you about roped activities and did they place any restrictions on your supplemental coverage? I know this is a specific question that pertains to few on this board, but if you work for the state of WA, you can e-mail me directly regarding this (plotz) or just reply to the thread. thanks!
  19. Damn! This one is definitely on my to do list. I've been to Little Giant Pass from the north, and been to Liberty Cap from Buck Creek Pass, both times looking down into the Napeequa wishing to make a loop of it, maybe out through Boulder Pass and White River Trail.
  20. Yeah, forgot about that. In that meadows/marshy area below the chutes. Aggressive bastards. You didn't know they were around until you felt them stinging you en masse.
  21. We climbed it last year 8-21 without any problem from bugs.
  22. You'll go around that second roof on the left and up to some boulders and one with a ton of retreat slings. The face and flakes above are no harder than 5.9 face, the crack below him in the picture is no harder than 5.6. Pass a couple overlaps to the base of the yellow 5.11 wall. This is the combined pitch Kyle was talking about, nearly 200 feet from the top of the psychopath pitch.
  23. Hell, no need for beer. I'll just spill it. You go left at that one tree, you know the one with the brownish bark, and when you get near those bushie thingies, just head due east until you reach that one spot, then due south, but make sure you hike upwards in that direction until you hit the plateau. PM me for the beta for the bushie thingie move...There, the cat's out of the bag.
  24. Isn't there a fixed hacksaw somewhere around YJT turnoff?
  25. A few photos from the day's climbing. Flick (previous climb of Iconoclast last summer) on pitch above psychopath pitch. One of the few cruiser pitches of hyperspace. Pressure chamber pitch. Sorry for the lousy quality. Crappy print film with cheapo auto camera. Steep and damn hard. It's strange but I was so wrapped up in the climbing, I looked out from the belay to see the weather had turned to shit at some point. Flick topping out on slickery chicken heads, near the top. Snow creek wall from a safe distance afterwards.
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