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Everything posted by telemarker

  1. Part of triple direct route traverse, no?
  2. The view after turning the nipple. Not my picture, however.
  3. Above The Black Tower this looks like a Tom Evans photo. Nice. I agree, the 1st pitch of TRL is a bit tricky to spot. We flailed the 1st time, having started too far right of where we should have been. On subsequent tries, we jnust look for the bolts 1/2 way up and a bit left on the pitch, right below the chain anchor belay. Pretty fun pitch it is.
  4. Yeah, Simian, though I remember his joint being right beside the gingerbread house/across from the hospital. Was he an RSO or somethin?
  5. BTW, what makes Zodiac such a popular first solo big wall route for some?
  6. the 16th pitch is the only pitch with the shitty haul, right? Zodiac seems so straight up and down, and overhanging on some, seems like hauling would be much easier than, say the Nose, where you have all the PIA lowerouts. As heady as the Black Tower pitch seems, I've never read where someone zippered and decked on top of it. Also, seems the pitch into the grey circle is pretty outstanding, long section of micro nutting and camhooks. I'm picking and choosing my pitches as we write.
  7. So, is this on upper wall or lower wall? Just kidding. I've read reports of zodiac going clean even after the cleanup, and another paty nailing 30 times (the FA party nailed 12 times). I think I read a TR from "Retired" climbed it mostly clean recently.
  8. whatever happened to Bayou Pizza? I thought he had a good thing going for a while.
  9. Yeah, pretty amazing. You can zoom in on el cap, The Shield route, on the headwall triple cracks section and see the pin scars.
  10. I kind of guessed this when I got home that night and didn't see king 5 on the spot with the breaking story of a missing cross country extreme skier buried in an avalanche.
  11. Driving over the pass on saturday morning, there were a number of Sno. Co. S&R vehicles plus a bunch of people gearing up just east of Yodelin in the E. bound lane. Anyone know what, who?
  12. Any Index route suggestions where the gear is similar to that found on Zodiac? Courtesy of Will Strickland gallery.
  13. go get your Alpinist 11, go to pg. 63 fold out of the El Cap Topo. The route goes straight up Dolt Tower it appears.
  14. This is the best answer on this thread. The best food is the 76 station on the corner of Icicle Road and hiway 2. The oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies are enough to get you over the passes.
  15. nice job but this is a tough one. the nose, although a bit contrived, is much more classic in my opinion. then again, the bottom of the nose does not compare to 'free blast'... A bit contrived?? Should the route be a continuous, 3,000' crack to the top to be legit?
  16. Glad you're able to write about it the next day. Frightening stuff. I think back on the days I've toured alone and know I've been lucky, but never THIS lucky. Once you get your wits about you, maybe you can fill in some gaps. Where exactly were you if I may ask? East or west of the crest? What aspect of slope as well as other minute details?
  17. Cool! Nicely done. So, whadja take for the Hollow Flake pitch? A sling and couple biners for the belay? The position on the headwall pitches looks incredible. We're headed back down this June for the Nose. Your post comes at a good time, helps keep the fires stoked! Thanks!
  18. I free'd City Park, the last 5 feet, last Sunday. Beautiful day to be out there in the sun, quite warm. If I were an ice climber, I'd never admit I went aid climbing over the w/end. T. Hammond and I started out on the upper wall w/intent to climb green dragon, iced over cracks, so we hung out and watched the waterfall collapse in the sun, then headed back down.
  19. My thoughts exactly, and sell 27 different flavors of marmalade.
  20. So, since you'll be working there on the w/ends, it doesn't leave you much time for climbing. Bummer!
  21. Approach Notes: The route is about 4.4 miles up the Icicle Creek road just across fom the Snow Creek Valley parking lot. You mean snow creek trail head area, right? So, this is around the Air Roof cragging area?
  22. Taken from near the top of Liberty Crack route. Mr. Layton, are you implying that I somehow manipulate my photos?! Spose you're gonna say this looks extra yellow or something.
  23. Flick and I headed out to the Coulee today, 1-6. Looking east in the morning revealed clear skies. It was somewhat warm to start out, then got real cold, with constant bluster. We were able to get in a number of pitches before it became too cold. Bootied a stopper someone left about 10' up Pony Keg after a couple gentle taps of the nut tool. Pretty good day of winter cragging.
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