I don't consider myself any special kind of skier. I've been skiing on the Mtn. Surfs the past two seasons, the dimensions of which the other tele ski manufacturers are just starting to offer-110-88-105. I agree with you that my enjoyment of the Cascade crud increases with the surfs, as do the bc snowboarders. How many times have you been out in the bc on a cold, 25F morning, a foot or so of new, only for the temp. to surge to 37F by noon? I've never been snowboarding, since I'm still enjoying tele skiing too much to take the time. Besides, a friend of mine was berated by two tele-skiing senior citizens for following me up Jim Hill last year with snowshoes and a board on his back. I guess I love the mystique of tele skiing still to take the time to snowboard, even though so much is hype and hubris these days. See you in the BC east of the crest some day!