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Everything posted by telemarker

  1. Preferably T-2's or of similar ilk. I have lightweight T-3's, so I want something beefier.
  2. I'm just real careless with leaving my calk bag open when packing shit away, sending a torrent of chalk over my gear and backpack. Or, I'll sit at a belay and it'll invert. So, a chalk ball is best for a clutz.
  3. Ahh, Tenino...land of the mima mounds of mystery!
  4. Anyone got a dirtbag method for making their own chalkballs?
  5. RNWF 1/2 Dome in first ever visit to Yosemite; Full North Ridge of Stuart in a comfy day; Liberty Crack for 2nd time in comfy day; Planning my next El Cap route for spring '07; Iconoclast in less than 4hrs; Cragging on new routes in Icicle, up high.
  6. Yeah, RPM, the coolest way to 2 tree ledge. Anyone ever finish off the shield via Edge of Space?
  7. Anyone try these yet in flaring pinscars? How do they compare to the Alien hybrids?
  8. Nice perspective of Mt. Berge. The NE Ridge of Mt. Berge is a cool climb in a remote setting.
  9. I shall trek the world over with my (insert brand, color and description here if you want them returned) poles!
  10. I don't agree with you on this one. Twice I've been evicted from the Pinnacles by overzealous wardens and deputies. The orchard owners in the surrounding area don't like it when cars park by their trees and such, as witnessed by the no parking signs gracing that part of the road. Finally, the two times we've been ejected, it was because the orchard owners saw us climbing, looking at us with binoculars from their fields, and undoubtedly making the call to law enforcement. So, bootleg climbing there isn't an option.
  11. Hmmm...let's talk poles and replacing/returning them, shall we? Any of you hikers out there who frequent NW Hikers dot com, let the good folk there know that they left some poles on sno crik trail? And if you could, pass on the word to: The Appalachian Hikers Association, American Hiking Society, Backpack Chat!, GORP, Sierra Club, Potomic Appalachian Trial Club, Mormon Trail Club, Huachuca Hiking Club, and the Dirty Soles Society. Please pass the word someone in their organization may have left their poles on sno crik trail. Please, help ease my pain. Thanks much!!!
  12. Climb: Peshastin Pinnacles Fantasy Climbs-Various Fantasy Routes Date of Climb: 10/21/2006 Trip Report: I and friends decided to take advantage of the only real time it's tolerable to climb at Peshastin. Had the Goddamn park been open, we would have climbed Vertigo and Lightening Crack, two fun trad routes there, especially Vertigo. We then would've hiked up to Windward Direct and climbed that one as well, had the Goddamn park been open. We then would've gone down to Baseball Nut and done that one, then on to Buttebrickle and climed that to round out the day, had the Goddamn park been open. Oh well, maybe we'll actually get on these when the Goddamn park opens again in, oh, June when it's 90 degrees outside again! But of course, I totally understand the work involved with unlocking the gate in the morning, then closing it up again at dusk. Gear Notes: We would've taken a light rack and draws. Approach Notes: Nice hiking amidst the orchards.
  13. Cool. I'll do that. What's the address where I can drop these puppies off?
  14. He bootied it at the base of El Cap.
  15. Yep! That's them! Damn, you must be telepathetic or somethin.
  16. Okay, here's the beta for the belay. You should only climb this route if you have a yellow C3 Camalot, yellow/green hybrid alien, and a green alien. Place the C3 further left in the crack, then the hybrid and then the green alien next to each other. Equalize the BOMBER aliens, and tie off to the BOMBER C3 camalot. Finally, admire the bolt in front of you and wonder about the hardmen who used to place these on lead then climb oh so far above them.
  17. there's a dusting of snow on Mission Ridge from a couple days ago, and it's way east of Enchantments, and the temple is hidden behind clouds today, and it's cold in Wenatchee. Plenty of color up there, easy route options even with a light dusting of snow. Nice forecast for w/end. Why not just go for it?
  18. Standard rack to three inches.
  19. I like this one of das Huber on die Cap: Golden Gate I think? http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7528857002009825524&q=climbing&hl=en-GB
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