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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. That's a false choice. You'd still want a compass, even if you do have a GPS. At least I would. Right on. :tup:
  2. Vomit, meet keyboard.
  3. Just did....I dont smell anything yet. You didn't pull it all the way out of my ass...
  4. And how is that short sited? You realy think we have made it to the moon? Kevbone, please don't tell me you are one of those silly dumbasses that think the luner landing happened in Hollywood! Einstein would kill you. It wasn't in Hollywood; it was in the Nevada desert.
  5. From summer 2004:
  6. I was there in '04 and they were like new. I wouldn't worry about it. They are there to access a lookout station, so I assume that means they are maintained. There are at least 2, maybe 3 or 4 short wooden ladders near the top.
  7. What's a GPS?
  8. Satan made me fart. :lmao:
  10. WHO makes you fart?
  11. I have a FSM teeshirt. I get asked about it at least twice a day. I've been touched by it's noodly appendage. sickie
  12. I just spend it for the state. That pretty much describes my job. It's their (your) money. They want something for a laboratory, I buy it for them. Everything from centrifuges to numbered eartags for rats to toner cartridges to computers to paper clips to membership renewals to the Infectious Diseases Society. Yes, it's BORING, but it's a living, and I have weekends off and 3.5 weeks of paid vacation each year.
  13. I may work in a hospital, but I work in accounting. To me, A&P is a grocery store.
  14. It's that green cheese.
  15. Gotta get me some new pointers for crop-dusting those co-workers I have it in for!
  16. or get naked. what a bunch of perv's. Or both.
  17. That says it right there.
  18. I think they are one and the same.
  19. There are three side effects of acid: enhanced long-term memory, decreased short-term memory, and I forget the third. -Timothy Leary
  20. :lmao:
  21. I don't give a rat's ass how much you make! (My point!)
  22. Wow... What happened in your life? I sense some serious anger in damn near every one of your posts. Maybe spend some time in Cafe' Sensitivioso. Lighten up. Go have some fun. Relax. sickie
  23. :lmao:
  24. The Queen of Stereotypes!
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