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Everything posted by chelle

  1. chelle

    Who let Dru out?

  2. chelle

    MAd Cow

    Jay - people aren't routinely eating cattle feed from what I understand. If you think BSE can't survive digestion how is it that the consumption of diseased beef (deer or elk) and CJD are linked?
  3. chelle

    MAd Cow

    Catbird. Thanks for clarifying that one for me. Maybe you could clear up the latest quote from Donald the great. "There are known knowns and known unknowns. And then there are unknown unknowns..."
  4. chelle

    MAd Cow

    No threat to the food supply because they "removed all diseased parts before they could enter the food supply." That's nuts in my opinion. Why not destroy the whole cow. They simply removed the brain, spinal cord, intestines, etc. before the sent the rest to be ground into hamburger. From what I know this is what they normally do to cows before grinding them up, so what was different from anyother processing day at the slaughterhouse? Also, BSE and CJD are not caused by viruses. They are caused by prions, an protein organism that is not well understood, and mimics naturally ocurring protiens in mammalian brains in it's chemical structure, it is just a different shape. And it causes the normal proteins to adopt the new shape, causing the disease. It's been compared to an enzyme.
  5. Never done the Mensa thing, but my work sent me down to LA once for a day long evaluation as part of a training program. They give you all kinds of different tests and it takes 8 hours. The report was pretty interesting. No scores, but a compilation of your strengths, areas to watch out for, management style and an assessment of what types of roles/jobs other people with your profile do well in. About 6 pages of analysis...
  6. Hey Trask...I traded my Honda Civic for a pick up truck. Nice 4WD one with a king cab and a high ceiling canopy equipped for car camping. It's a climber chick's dream. Still feeling inadequate? My truck ! Have fun in your 'lil econo car!
  7. chelle

    MAd Cow

    That would have been Pam Veneman. Don't know any Anne's. And what are you implying????
  8. chelle


    Finally out on video. You can rent it at Scarecrow.
  9. I want to know more about this intrapersonal intelligence thing... Does that mean that you are completely self aware, or just self centered? The later fits most of the climbers I know.
  10. chelle


    Unprecedented: the 2000 Presidental Election Anyone else think this was an interesting documentary?
  11. Went and checked it out. Not much gear there for what I consider cheap right now. Guess I'll check out rental sales at the end of the season.
  12. Same here Ketch. I voted for always, but also mean that I bring it as long as I remember to replace it after I used it to reinforce rappel anchors on an alpine route.
  13. Haven't seen American Pie huh? Mom I'd Like to F#@k.
  14. If any of you are cleaning out your closets and want to sell a pair of 160cm skis let me know. Thanks.
  15. chelle


    I can vouch that it is a decent looking car for being an 85 and it made it up the road to Giant Green Butress so it's still got the gusto.
  16. chelle


    Rhino - you're in prison? That must suck. At first I thought you were that cute electrician from survivor. Oh well.
  17. I don't think that people should be charged for rescues for the same reasons others have stated. Also, the AAC rescue insurance is good but there is a party limit (if more than one member of the rescued party are members) and a lifetime limit. If you have to use it hopefully you won't need it more than twice in your life.
  18. Or...Return from the dark side. It has been 5 seasons since I have worn skis. I was seduced over to the dark side of snowboarding by the hip clothes, comfy boots, and the sensation of riding on snow. But the reality became days of fun on the blue runs when it wasn't icy, and feeling like I was run over by a truck if it was. And most of the time I felt like I was riding a knife edge of being in control with a heightened fear of getting injured if I strayed too far from moderate groomed slopes. Yesterday I fully awakened to my folly and have returned to the land of two plankers. Woke up and saw that it was going to be a bluebird morning. I now had a sense of urgency to get my stuff together and get on the road. I should have gotten up an hour earlier. Snow report said 10 in of freshies in the past 24 hours. Drove up the Mt. Baker highway and as I got closer to Glacier my thoughts were filled with skiing. The sunlight streaming through the trees and the contrast of white snow on the tops of peaks and the green trees was pure beauty. I felt like the day was going to be special. I pulled over and got some rental gear and continued up the hill, giggling all the way to the parking lot because I was so excited to go SKIING! Put on my skis and rode the chair up. The place was empty. No lines, five or six empty chairs between every one that had a person on it. Exited the lift and it was like riding a bike...I hadn't forgotten how to turn. I continued up to the top and found that there were still a few powder stashes that were untracked. Yippee! The views of Mt. Baker and Shuksan and the peaks to the north were amazing. I skied all over the mountain until my legs were screaming from the lactic acid. It was so great to be back on skis, to be back on steeper terrain, to feel in control and enjoy the speed and shhhhing sounds of snow under foot, to play in powder and have it not hurt when I blew my third jump turn by crossing my tips and yard saled my gear. Just a big poof and a swim up hill to retreive it. All I can say is woohoo!!! Now I understand. I remember what it is like to ski! I know what you skiers are talking about. It's magic! Until next time...
  19. chelle

    Killer Nurse

    That totally sucks! It doesn't sound like he was trying to be Kavorkian, but instead played God. I hope he rots in jail.
  20. Smog was so bad last Sep that there were 14 spare the air days out of the 15 I was there.
  21. In a few years there will not be much need to fertilize the central valley - at least within a reasonable shipping distance. The developers are paving it over and putting up tract home projects and shopping centers.
  22. I thought boats were prohibited on the lake unless it is the caretakers ski boat that is mored to the "can't use it" diving/sunbathing platform about 30 yards offshore.
  23. CJZ - I left it in the climbers board until it degenerated into a "who knows more" match between Dru and CBS. Don't blame me... If you want a geology/planetary science forum start lobbying Jon and Timm@y. Peter Puget got his forum after a very concerted lobbying effort.
  24. So it sounds like you guys read the supplementary lit interpreting Tolkien's symbolism. What other deep insights should we be looking for? I haven't had the time to read up on the deep meaning in the books. I just like the story.
  25. Save gas, become an agoraphobe!
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