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Everything posted by chelle

  1. Chicks dig scars? Yep, especially when they are their own from climbing a fun hard crack. I used to love the little gobies that I got when climbing cracks a lot a couple years ago... I learned how to make tape gloves when I was down at Red Rocks. It is totally aid, but it keeps my hands from getting messed up when I fall out of the cracks and lets me still make my clinical hours without getting into long discussions about open abrasions with my instructors... Aid is sometimes necessary. ;p
  2. WooHoo!!! I'm down for a spring sport climbing trip to Smiffy. So long as I don't have an exam the next week. Somebody start putting some dates down...I'm starting to have withdrawls from sore hands and feet and warm rock. BTW Red Rocks absolutely
  3. I've bought the WWO insurance before. Thankfully haven't needed it. Make sure you plan in advance or you'll have to pay extra to expedite the paperwork.
  4. Pilchuck and Granite are good options. Haven't done mailbox or McClelland, but hear good things... For a nice lazy hike with a good picnic spot at the end try Lake Annette.
  5. Actually as long as a WFR is on the scene and is the person with the highest training CPR can be called after 30 minutes. While you may not think of Vantage as a wilderness, it fits the legal definition of wilderness and calling CPR is within their protocol. Practically speaking though, most people will not stop CPR if more rescue personnel are on their way. It's a tough call to make. Anyone of the MDs out there know if there is any benefit to continuing CPR when the person is not revivable and some form of transport is on the way, just in case they are an organ donor?
  6. There was a discussion on this topic last week. Do a search or go back a couple pages of post and browse around...
  7. Might want to be careful with that kind of invitation and this group...
  8. I haven't lead above the anchor your arrow points to, but watched my partner straighten out my cam hook in a fall while trying to get to the anchors above so we could do the roof. He eventually got it with some creative aid climbing using another cam hook and small nuts. Like Dberdinka said, the roof is cool, but above that it is really dirty. After my partner led through the roof, we ended up bailing over to the right to some anchors after he took a couple falls on crappy placements. The climbing was over a lot of loose dirty stuff I'm glad he didn't pull off when I was hanging below....
  9. Nice TR Fern. I'm goping to make it up that way in April, towards the end of the month. We need to work on our project.
  10. Let's not let this discussion devolve, guys. It's sad that a 30 year old who thought he was in good shape had a sudden heart attack and died.
  11. Based on the article in the NYTimes when the movie came out, I believe that the majority of the climbing footage was filmed in the Alps somewhere and that a small portion of it was done in the Siula Grande area when the film crew and Simpson and Yates went back in.
  12. Kinda depends on how far south in No Cal you plan to go. That time of year the cragging in Yosemite is pretty darn good.
  13. Hope they clear out on Sunday as planned and leave the rocks in peace and quiet for me.
  14. Did they break into the house or the car? That totally sucks. I have an extra harness that'll probably fit you so we can still climb at the gym tomorrow night.
  15. Check out Rescue Associates in Leavenworth. I went through them for my WFR and thought they were very good.
  16. Hhmm. I thought her avatar looked like a tiny sheep balancing a washing machine on it's head and manually agitating it with a little dancing. Very weird...but who cares.
  17. chelle

    hey chompers

    no buttons pushed there superhero. I was honestly curious why this was funny to Lummox. She's always looked goofy and this was probably the least goofy photo of her. Maybe that's what was funny.
  18. Woodstock!
  19. chelle

    hey chompers

    Curious...what made it funny Lummox? She looks better in that photo than she ever has. Living in NYC and making 6 figures working as a management consultant must be working out for her.
  20. chelle

    trad gear

    I used to have a rock empire cam that I bought because it was only $29.99 and the Camalot was so much more money. I hated that thing from the beginning and was very happy when it finally got stuck and I couldn't get it out. The trigger wires are so short that it is really easy to overcam it and they also walk really easily. Don't waste your money on getting the cheapest gear. Buy more nuts or some hexes if you can't afford to get a full rack of cams, especially for sizes that are "bomber" hand placements like #1-#3 camalots. Generally you can get a good hand placement and spend an extra minute wiggling in a large nut or hex. Unless you're going to start aid climbing and need to build a huge rack fast, you'll be fine getting started with one set of cams, nuts, and maybe a few hexes. You're climbing partner will likely have a set of cams that can allow you to take doubles of desired pieces on climbs where you will need them. My rack is one set of camalots (.75-#4) with Aliens for the sizes under .75, and one set of metolious cams (00-8), BD nuts #2-#13 and a few wired metolious hexes (double for camalot sizes .5-#2) which I have found to be very valuable at times lightweight and very trusty in constrictons. I didn't go out and buy this at one time. I've built it over the past 5 years of climbing. My first purcahse was 2 metolious cams, a set of nuts and a set of wired hexes. It was all I could afford at the time.
  21. Hey Dave, is there a swap with this expo? I have a friend looking for a good deal on a bike.
  22. More organized events would be great, but I think we only need maybe one slide show a quarter. Attendance at Pub Club's does come and go in waves. Sometimes we have 20 people each week for a month, then only a handful of 5-6 regulars. Nothing really wrong with that. We were regularly having good attendance last year when we decided the venue for the next week before everyone left and then announcing it rather than having a big debate online. It's a waste of time to have to monitor and sift through a couple pages of posts to figure out where to show up, or wonder if the place got changed at the last minute... Maybe we should go back to that and see if it helps people plan. Unless there's some reason that people don't feel comfortable coming that is behind the low attendance this week, I don't think we need to change much. Dustin, you should show up and have a beer. Fairweather came to one down in T-town a few months back and had a good time.
  23. Not off topic Dalius. Climbing questions are quite ON topic here. Anyways, since you are not in the US it might be hard to get your hands directly on AAJ copies. You might be able to get some info from their library or librarians. Here's a link for you. AAJ library Take some photos for all of us stuck here at home.
  24. I can't believe you guys still try this troll. It's so obvious by now...pathetic.
  25. Welcome back Steve. We haven't seen you around these parts in a while.
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