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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Great idea Pope...much like the waterborne version. I personnally can attest to the viability of Pope's idea.
  2. quote: Originally posted by max: I suppose this is openingnup a can of worms that's already been re-heated, but... I can't say anything about the snowmobile scene 'cause I haven't hung out with that crowd. But in the skier areana.. what a bunch of snobs! I'd agree that smoke and oil suck, but they definitely don't warrant the gibberish I hear out of some skiers. I think they're actually looking for something to complain about. I think it boils down to the skiers being a little high and mighty, I'm cooler than you 'cause "I earn my turns!" what ever. Maybe I just got more riled up over snobby skiers than the snobby skiers get riled over sledders. Max- The sled crowd is more Redneck than the skiers, who tend to be more yuppified. Sledders drink beer outta the can, smoke big cigars and like women with big tits. Annorexics need not apply. I know all this to be true, because I have two sleds and have "hung" with the crowd for years. We have nothing against any climbers, hikers, skiers, or anybody else. Believe me, the last thing we want to do is run some poor bastard down. It's just that sometimes it's a bitch to maneuver in time at 90mph. I was up snowshoeing at Baker a couple weekends ago, and was almost run over countless times by the "boarders" not the "skiers". Not trying to pick on boarders here either, just mentioning that they seem to push the envelope, other folks be damned.
  3. allthumbs

    Place Names

    quote: Originally posted by Dru: What about Medicine Hat, Alberta? I still never figured thatone ut.Hey Dru, have you seen the new U.S. dollar? [ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  4. allthumbs

    Place Names

    Medicine Bow, Wyoming?
  5. allthumbs


    Heh Mike, what the hell you doing out there on the east coast anyway. I gather it's something to do with the military, but what? Spray on bra! [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  6. Great post Norman. I enjoyed reading it. Thumbs up. trask
  7. quote: Originally posted by Heinouscling: Enjoy your shit Trask and don't forget to wipe your pimply ass. -Heinous Heh there heinie. What's up your ass? Was that a slam, dognuts? Where's the love? Smoke this turd, Nazi
  8. quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: The concept of a weather forecaster in the NW seems a little funny to me. Five Day forecast: Rain, Rain, Rain, Showers, Partly Cloudy with a chance of...Rain. At least the WB station here has the right idea, they just put this hot-ass chick on to sway around and say "tomorrow you'll see rain". Hey, I like it, so it's gonna feel wet huh honey? that's beautiful Will. I like it.
  9. quote: Originally posted by Dru: in cascasdeclimbers.com, that's on MSNBC I think ...thankyou Dru, for those words of wit, now I must run to take a shit.
  10. quote: Originally posted by philfort: Temps in eastern washington seemer warmer than in western washington today....nice report philfort. Ever thought about a career with King 5 Weather? [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  11. You Gumbys have no clue how to pleasure a woman. Look for THE technique in my upcoming novel, "How to Pleasure a Woman" by traskmaster. I will be signing copies February 15th. at the lobby of DeJevu, Everett Branch.
  12. quote: Originally posted by johnny: I have on several occasions stuck my shell's hood into my paddle-end and held onto the bottom edges to grab a free ride while kayaking...and my eyes are capable of incredibly malevelant stares. Does that count Trask????? Count as a blowboater, you mean? Why, Johnny, is this important? I'm just givin' ya some morning love, Gumby. Cam on bra!
  13. A blowboater is a sailboater you whacko... Sailboaters always ask very technical questions, and stare menacingly with eyes that look like black holes in the sky. They tend to drive most of us "Normal" people nuts.
  14. quote: Originally posted by johnny: OK now to the point. We discussed what had happened and had a few questions. The biggest one involved the physics behind cams. I realize that they work by transfering a downward pull into an opposing lateral force but to what degree? Is it multiplied in any way by being distributed between two directions? How about the size of the cam. Does a larger cam create more outward force than a smaller one? I am wondering if anyone more versed in physics out there can help??? ...WTF? Johnny, you're a blowboater aren't ya? That and an engineer. Take yur vitamins!
  15. Sure do, Mike. I spent last weekend with Virginia at my condo at Blackcomb. She's enchanting to say the least. She dosen't go in much for the "Gorilla-types" but you might stand a chance on your pleasing personality alone. Want her phone # big guy? trask
  16. quote: Originally posted by Richard Pumpington: Trask, there's much love, except on the topic ofsnowboarding. I don't flip you any different sheit,than you flip me or anyone else. I don't fire, unless fired upon. Not quite the kind B.C. ganj andnot likely to improve, if they don't stop making those900+ lbs. busts at the border! I love you man! [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: Richard Pumpington ] ...then love it shall be. Peace
  17. Wild Turkey and B&B's.
  18. http://www.chilliman.com/beer_labels_frame.htmTake the beer identification test you drunkards.
  19. yur both sick bastards...ya outta be ashamed. [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  20. quote: Originally posted by daisy: I dont think Im going to go. I dont climb much ice and it sounds like the boy/girl ratio will be skewed towards testosterone poisoning. wake me up for Chicks With Picks... hi Daisy...let's do that again sometime.
  21. quote: Originally posted by Dru: cmon up to lillooet we got more where that came from. so what if its gonna rain and there is no ice... more Bar Time!!! bring some rock gear and dry tool Standard Route at Marble Canyon Lower wall in the Rain I'd like to come up there and tool up some of them hoochie-mamas you got groupin' around the testosterone hut. [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  22. quote: Originally posted by philfort: Ice!!! heh, what a cool picture, philfort. I just stretched it and used it for my wallpaper. I was gettin' tired of Miss Penthouse 2001 anyway. Thanks [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
  23. Eat Balls Dick, If you had noticed, I have my "new" alum. crampons for sale. Like you said, I'm a scrambler at best, who needs em'? I think you are a mean spirited son-of-a-bitch (most of the time), although yesterday you were rather mellow...that's good B.C. bud isn't it? There could be some love here, Dick. You make the first move. trask [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: trask ]
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