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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Can anyone identify this native northwest caterpiller?
  2. quote: Originally posted by iain: Perhaps I don't have a good thermometer for the apparent politics of this board, but if you have an unpopular opinion to share why not share it under your "real" name rather than making up some nom de plume? If it's truly how you feel, why not just say it? I don't care one way or the other, just curious. Pick ONE frickin' name and stick with it through thick and thin. I figure if you have to hide to post some negitive or argumentative shit, you're not worth spit.
  3. Hope everybody had a GREAT weekend! This weather is freaking awesome eh? Go VOTE! Republican of course . Drink afterwards and be merry
  4. I read recently of some character in the vicinity of Washington, DC, who has raped three different women, always wearing black and armed with, of all things, a cross bow. Now how does one go about his sexual jollies when he is armed with a cross bow? Apparently the instinct to fight back has been all but bred out of the American people. Either that or the law of the survival of the fittest has been repealed.
  5. Listen up tyrone. It has become quite apparent that you have developed a "trask fetish". I would appreciate it if you would quit stalking me as I'm not interested in man-love. I find it disturbing to say the least that some wacko would post the same message at odd hours. I will be forced to seek a restraining order if this queer behavior doesn't cease and desist.
  6. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Dont tell anyone though cause answering the pms clueless single guys send to ol daisy trying to arrange a hookup is quite amusing. you never did learn how to talk dirty, you little vixen.
  7. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Sorry I was not heywood, guess again. If you DO guess one of my avatars I will fess up. Oops, veggie beat me to that one. How about chepe? [ 11-03-2002, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  8. My favorite of yours was Heywood Jablowme. Someone didn't see it that way though.
  9. allthumbs


    That's a cool avatar ya got there Veggie.
  10. And that would be Dru.
  11. Following is a sentence passed by Judge W. Wyatt McKay of Trumbull County, Ohio, via Mike Royko: "When you slithered out of your hole that day, and you spewed your venom all over this defenseless 12-year-old girl, you made this court's top 10 hit list. In a way, the best sentence this court could give would be no sentence at all, because if you left this courtroom I don't think you would be alive 10 minutes. You are nothing but a weed, a weed among wheat... And when we have a weed, it's my job to eradicate the weed, because if you don't you will choke the wheat. Therefore, I'm going to take you off the streets for just as long as I possibly can. It means you aren't even eligible for parole until you're 92. That leaves only one more count, aggravated robbery... You stole this little girl's bra as a souvenir, probably to brag about it to your friends later on. Well, I'm going to give you a souvenir of Trumbull County justice. And that is, you will receive a maximum sentence of 10 to 25 on the aggravated robbery for the stealing of that bra. And I hope that if you last 25 years in prison that you remember that souvenir." "Get this scum out of here!"
  12. allthumbs


    quote: Originally posted by Muffy The Wanker Sprayer: 'The worst lie you can tell is the one you tell to yourself.' did I just make that up??? I'm sure I heard it or read it somewhere I just can't remember where Those aren't lies. But you might consider cutting back on the Vodka.
  13. Mr. Chips = Hemorrhoid
  14. allthumbs


    I agree. Go Cougs! Gesser rules!
  15. quote: Originally posted by Necronomicon: quote:Originally posted by Dru: TALK - ACTION = SPRAY SPRAY + [CORNHOLING / (SPRAY + SHIT CHUTE)] = SPRAY - CHOAD huh?
  16. Well said, Off White. I commend your convictions sir!
  17. Very agile Mr. Chips Think that one up all by yourself?
  18. allthumbs


    Well, game over. I watched till the bitter end. They stunk up the field as usual. Par.
  19. allthumbs


    I'm sitting home today watching the Seahawks. They suck worse than the Bengals. Holmgren sucks too. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
  20. allthumbs

    Gun Control

    Weapons protect the weak from the strong, not the other way around. The passengers of Flight 93 showed us the way to defend ourselves - they fought back. If every passenger fought back immediately, no terrorist could succeed. If every victim fought back immediately, no criminal could succeed. No one lives forever.
  21. allthumbs


    "People never lie so much as: After a hunt, during a war, or before an election." Bismarck
  22. Good idea retardass.
  23. You're easily amused. Thanks for the compliment.
  24. You took the words right out of my mouth. tyrone = trask hehehe
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