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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. I wanna fight! Who's up for a pounding?
  2. Greg, you're a twat
  3. Hey pansies, MikeAdam isn't the thug some of you make him out to be. He's a good old boy who speaks his mind like everybody else. He just isn't afraid to back it up. [ 11-06-2002, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  4. Scott, you're quite the planner of events. You'll make your wife a good wife. Bwahahaha
  5. hi dru
  6. Now that's a good thing!
  7. Have you guys ever heard of these? Around 1910-1912 participants would race from downtown Bellingham to the summit of Baker and back to town. The glaciers extended a mile lower than they do now, so evidently there were less crevasses and thicker ice which afforded the racers the opportunity to slide down the mountain on their asses. Along particular parts of the marathon the racers would ride horses or take a train. The times were unreal...like under 13 hours. The death of the president of the British Columbia mountain club in 1913, due to a fall into a Mt. Baker crevasse may have been the contributing factor ending the races. I just thought it was interesting.
  8. Even though I am a Republican - I'm a little concerned that George Bush has a Republican House and a Republican Senate - and a Republican or at least conservative Supreme Court. This could be a bad thing. The balance of power is out of whack....
  9. quote: Originally posted by Mr. Chips: Good Luck on the Podium tonite. and Dru answers, "Why thank you, self".
  10. quote: Originally posted by bobinc: Hey, Mr Goat: is it okay if we stow several thousand of these cardboard boxes of spent control rods in your backyard? It would be okay with me to put them in my backyard as long as they were propery prepared (which I'm sure they would be).
  11. quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: Sorry Dr. Flash Amazing could not be of more assistance! That's par.
  12. I've had two Sigs over the years. They seem a bit top heavy and I'm not a great fan of double action. The Beretta I had was a pig. Rugars are great.
  13. allthumbs


    Hooray for Timmey! and he didn't call me a chicken f'er.
  14. DFA at a loss for words? Hallelujah!
  15. Old wood snowshoes are cool on the wall too. A stuffed and mounted head of DFA would be cool.
  16. allthumbs


    Indeed, trask is truly a Master bater. But, he has never resorted to kinky or violent behaviour towards women, fish, or fowl. He has in image to maintain...and it's a full time job.
  17. How bout' you kiss my ass and I won't have to bust a cap in yours. [ 11-05-2002, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  18. allthumbs


    It's bullshit trying to dig up the latest posts "the old fashoned way". Jon will tell us all to STFU when he hears about this.
  19. I wasn't going to do this, but I'll go $50 and throw in a condom I've been carrying in my wallet since sixth grade.
  20. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: I'll go $75 Prick! Alright then, $70, and not a dollar less.
  21. That may be Greg's request, but I find it far more saucy when the sistas' wear no undergarments.
  22. I'll give you $100 for it.
  23. Hey Cavey, I think TLG digs your mojo. Go for the kill.
  24. allthumbs

    Tweak Scratch

    I've noticed DFA seems to be ever slipping further from reality. Slowly but surely. This happens frequently to peaceniks and greenies.
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