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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. care for steak sauce?
  2. I don't care anymore. Phuck it, bomb whoever.
  3. Are you sure that wasn't the sound of your trail farts after a couple days of freeze dried?
  4. Roll me over in the clover
  5. allthumbs


    I despise you 24/7
  6. allthumbs


    Hey SC -
  7. Hey Harry press here
  8. hahaha, isn't that a route for old men?
  9. are those 5 stars straight or do they curve?
  10. allthumbs


    It has been studied and determined that the most often used sexual position for married couples is the doggie position.... The husband sits up and begs and the wife rolls over and plays dead.
  11. I really want no stars but it'll cost me.
  12. read my post above, trask don't do animals and shit
  13. I dropped you shit-for-brains Now yur one of the boyz. Dru can never achieve 2 starz cause he's a canuk'er eh.
  14. Sorry boyz, trask likes gurlz between 24-40.
  15. Remember when McD's used lard for the fries? They were awesome. Course I remember when Skippers tasted good.
  16. Jeez Dru, that's sicko. I need another drink now.
  17. Don't you have a freeway to go play on?
  18. Did you know that in the middle east they have no toilet paper. Needless to say they only eat with their right hand.
  19. Hey anybody, that fag sex. choc. is friggin stalking me by PM's. Anybody know how to block this transvestite? I thought we had that option before. He's a friggin lunatic fag weirdo.
  20. You should spank your 10 avatars. Holy shit, how'd you get up to 8100 posts you lush?
  21. or hot buttered .......
  22. With all the dirtbags around here, who actually pays for the beer?
  23. Either does she
  24. That beotch! Can't trust anybody these days.
  25. Don't know the feeling. Always been the life of the party. That's one reason I don't show up .... I party too hard and end up in jail half the time. No more of that shit for this child.
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