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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    Free Press

    Jeez Matt, momma needs to get your script changed.
  2. allthumbs

    Free Press

    put a cork in it Mr. Farfromhung
  3. allthumbs

    Free Press

    Goddamn Goat. Two brilliant, articulate, short and sweet posts in a row. Can I buy you a beer? BTW, I fully agree with you on this one.
  4. allthumbs

    Free Press

    Shit guys, Clinton is brilliant, outstanding speaker, but look at the wanker behind the mouth.
  5. allthumbs

    Free Press

    Right on you old goat!
  6. "why does it say God on your penis?" she asks "it doesn't, here lookie-see, now it says God Bless America"
  7. Let's do a "what if" so I can make a point. I think it's a good one. I think it's so good, I'd like to hear from anyone who disagrees. What if a show like Dateline did a "hatchet job" on George W. Bush? It wouldn't have to really be a hatchet job, but any honest appraisal of (what many call) that idiot's qualifications would prove he's a non-thinking rich man's boy - and that's all. But what would happen if Dateline did an unflattering portrait of Bush? I'll tell you what would happen: The vulgar Pigboy would spend at least three hours saying it wasn't true and he'd offer hours of rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Bill O'Reilly would spend at least an hour on his show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Sean Hannity would walk all over Alan Colmes for an hour that night, saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Eva Von Zahn would spend at least an hour that night saying it wasn't true and she'd offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. The Beltway Boys would spend at least an hour that night saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Brit Hume and Tony Snow would spend at least an hour on Sunday saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Juan Williams and Mara Liason would spend their entire allotted time saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. John McLaughlin would spend at least an hour on his syndicated show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Chris the Screamer would spend at least an hour on his show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. G. Gordon Liddy would spend at least three hours on his radio show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Laura the Whore would spend at least an hour on her radio show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Michael Medved would spend at least an hour on his radio show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Sam and Cokie would spend at least an hour on This Whore saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. George (Judas Maximus) Steffi and George (dumb as a chimp) Will would spend their entire allotted time swearing that it wasn't true. Bob Scheiffer would spend at least an hour on Face the Whore saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Tim the Catholic would spend at least an hour on Meet the Whore saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. John Hockenberry would spend at least an hour on his show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Ollie North would spend at least an hour on his radio show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Robert Novak would spend at least an hour on his cable TV show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Paul Weyrich would spend at least an hour on his cable TV show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Still with me? We're close to the end... BSNBC's Brian Williams would spend at least an hour on his show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Wolf the Whore would spend at least an hour on his show saying it wasn't true and offer rebuttal as to why Dateline was lying. Bill Schneider and Candy Crowley would do an hour special on CCN (Clinton Cock Network) saying it wasn't true, and offering rebuttal. John Stossel would have a special on ABC: Is lying OK for liberals? Then Howie Kurtz would spend 30 minutes on Reliable Sources asking if the media wasn't being too hard on a developmently-disabled child. Ann Coulter would write a book condemning Dateline. Laura Ingraham would write a book condemning Dateline. Peggy Noonan would write a book condemning Dateline. Andrew Sullivan would write a book condemning Dateline. William Safire would write a book condemning Dateline. OK, we're going to call the above "Exhibit A." Now, everyone on that list has done at least a dozen hit pieces on Clinton. My question is, Where is "Exhibit B?" When those 38 people attack Clinton and his cock, who does the rebuttal? Even you ditto-sheep have to admit that nobody on that list has EVER defended a fabricated lie against the president. There is no "Exhibit B," because there are so few liberal voices on television. The closest you can get is Eleanor on McLaughlin or Geraldo, but there is barely a liberal whisper on television, even though there are DOZENS of right-wing, Smirk-apologist shows whose livelyhood is lying about liberals. I don't think you ditto-heads can offer an answer. Prove me wrong. bartcop@bartcop.com <bartcop@bartcop.com>
  8. allthumbs

    Hey DFA

    you say potato, and i say pototo
  9. allthumbs

    Hey DFA

    Excuse me, I forgot to say "Good Morning" bwahahaha
  10. allthumbs

    Free Press

    Dumb like a fox.
  11. allthumbs

    Free Press

    Raelian = Al Gore
  12. allthumbs

    Free Press

    Matt, good point. Is there, or has there ever really been a liberal press? Could it be that the press are gutless flakes with no particular allegiance to anything but ratings and the almighty buck?
  13. I will sometime. I hang out around Railroad Grade alot in the summer for kickin back.
  14. Muffy, if I come will you play with me?
  15. allthumbs

    plumber butt

    I kinda like lookin at some meaty chica ass now and then.
  16. allthumbs

    Free Press

    DFA actually hit it on the head for once. The President is so goddamn popular right now, and the Dems. have absolutely no ammunition with which to thwart his efforts, that the Press will agree with GW to keep the ratings up. If they lambast him now, they'll lose their audience. The press is suckin hind teat.
  17. you boyz are bustin my ballz here
  18. why do skydivers carry two chutes?
  19. It's simply a very personal matter of priorities. Only you can make the choice.
  20. allthumbs

    plumber butt

    yukity, yukity, yuk ..... so true
  21. allthumbs

    Free Press

    All I can think of is the liberal slant channel 4,5, & 7 give to the gun issue. They're all very anti-gun.
  22. allthumbs

    Free Press

    DFA, I think that's what Fox tries to do.
  23. allthumbs

    Free Press

    whatdoya call a volkswagon full of blonds? Farfromthinkin
  24. allthumbs

    Free Press

    That's cause the friggin press had a slow week going and nothing better to report on. At least that's what they said to cover their ass. Jean Ennerson blows
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