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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. mtn mouse - I think it's okay that not everyone post here. There are plenty of good climbing websites around for the civil and sensitive. We sure don't need one more. Try appreciating cc.com for what it is ................. ............and enjoy the irreverence if you're so inclined.
  2. Just in from the wire SADDAM HUSSEIN has put the people of Iraq on an "Orange" alert this week in response to Iraqi intelligence picking up an increase in "chatter" out of Hollyweird. Actors go into a frenzy whenever they sense that world events could pre-empt their appearances on "Entertainment Tonight." They've been in March Hare mode lately, so Iraq is in a state of high alert. For the past few months, Saddam had been lulled into a sense of security. We haven't heard from Barbra Streisand since she turned with a vengeance to figuring out the difference between Iran and Iraq. George Clooney disappeared, hoping people would forget his inside tip that, in the rush to war, Bush had cut a deal with France so they wouldn't complain when we attack Iraq..............................................
  3. cc is the most diverse, coolest site on the web
  4. what's your point j_b? I don't understand your post.
  5. The threat presented by Islamic Fascists and their allies (of which Iraq is definitely one), is not immediate enough to invoke a response from most of the nations of the world, and a US hegemony scares many more than the bin-Laden's of the world. This anti-American stance is accentuated in Old Europe by the mongrelizing from that region that threatens their politicians even in democracies there. Low birth rates and unimpeded immigration have resulted in one prediction I heard that Germany will have a voting Muslim majority by 2014. To these, some, including George, would turn over our fate. You will see others in the street marching with the Workers Of The World Party earnestly attempting to instill the same ideas that failed them in the Cold War, but now by stealth by fooling the useful idiots who have no understanding for whom and with they are now working.
  6. Lest You Forget- The American people have learned a hard and valuable lesson – do not wait for a demonstration of the goals held by the radical Muslims. We learned that the hard way as passengers sat in their seats after throats were slit, waiting for a ransom call when death was all that was ever in the offing, yet timely and concerted action by the passengers could have overwhelmed the plotters. Now, on a larger scale, we are intent on not making that mistake again. We know their plans, and we are taking concerted action before they can be carried out this time. Saddam has already slit throats in his fiefdom. We will not wait for them to demonstrate that those WMD are meant for our cities before we act. It is disappointing, but not surprising that some of our soft and decadent friends know not of what awaits us, or in some cases do not care (China, Syria, Indonesia, etc.), but that is the burden we will have to carry. Action will be taken - unilaterally if necessary. For our real friends we should refrain from calling them names and merely say we are sorry that they do not realize our danger or their eventual own danger, and strike out on our own with those that will help us. The onus is on us to act, because we are the ones in the cross hairs - if others cannot see that, then too bad. Our defeat of one despicable little tyrant will not make the world right, but it will demonstrate what the UN really is – a debating society at best, and a platform for fools and oppressors at worst.
  7. That works too. The Royal Family should be taken out though, at the very least.
  8. Fine, no one wants to talk about guns anymore. This country will never be disarmed, so why grouse about it?
  9. I've said all along that the goddamn Saudis' are the real enemy. Eradicate the whole fucking country...one nice glass parking lot. Middle Eastern problem solved.
  10. Fuck that. Want my gun? Come and get it.
  11. I'm sick and I feel like shit and I can't sleep and I fucking feel like killing something!
  12. allthumbs


    Why don't you sign up for moderator? On second thought, don't. You'd fuck the place up with your sterilization.
  13. I think you should go polish your sausage.
  14. Times are a bit different now. Doncha think?
  15. I'm so sick of the anti-war movement. I almost wish Bush would cave and do nothing. Then in a few months when one of our cities and thousands of citizens are targeted and killed by some middle eastern goblin, I'd like to hear what all you doves have to say. What would you say then? How would you justify it?
  16. Well we certainly shouldn't allow the hippies to run the country. What a frickin' disaster that'd be. Sexual Chocolate for President 2004 Bwahahaha
  17. Your idea sucks. This isn't Nazi Germany (yet?) Get a grip.
  18. I read it. So what? Perhaps you'd like the President to divulge all to the public and press, so that the people can decide what's best for the country and national affairs. Are you qualified? Shit man, we're at war with "terrorism", don't you fucking think certain things best remain classified? Some of you people are totally out of touch with reality. God help us all if a Al Gore was President right now.
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