Even Bush, while shrilly claiming to not be impacted by the massive scale of the protests, has his aides looking at the energizing effect on the opposition (read "UN"). And, Blair is quietly seeking a way to de-escalate the rhetoric without losing face or being seen as weakening in his support of Bush.
Although I support Bush, in a way I don't feel one bit sorry for him on this one. He went into this with no proactive foreign policy (remember his un-prophetic "I am a consensus-builder" campaign speeches?), no ability to build a coalition (Like his father did), and no plan. The reactive nature of his Administration is catching up with him.
According to the AP wire, it's official: "A new Iraq war resolution will be offered to the U.N. Security Council this week or next, the White House said."
Yep - now the bush team has decided it needs the U.N. - Who knew?