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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    Check this

    pullinTool - You been riding my ass since day one. I just want to say, suck it byotch.
  2. Not a fucking chance in hell, tool. My sentiments have nothing to do with anti-war rallies and left-wing shit. BTW - How funny! The Los Angeles City Council has condemned any war in Iraq. I have to ask THE question! Who cares?
  3. RURP, STFU. You sound like a self-righteous shithead. Your persona doesn't cut it with me.
  4. When we were little kids we spent most of our time in the woods playing Army. The neighbor girls were the nurses. Needless to say, I spent most of my time in sick bay.
  5. Sisu, I can easily envision you purposely banging your head on a tree for shits and giggles. ....not that there's anything wrong with that of course (just ask Allison).
  6. Shit Allison, don't bother wearing one. You've already fucked up your brain cells.
  7. no your wife helped me she's pretty sloppy now isn't she?
  8. Nice Erik. Think that one up all by yourself? tramp!
  9. "With an interim administration headed by a yet-to-be named American civilian who would direct the reconstruction of the country and the creation of a "representative" Iraqi government, according to a now-finalized blueprint described by U.S. officials and other sources......" Fuck! I was assured by Bush himself that my involvement would be kept secret until after the war. I'm very wroth. trask
  10. Not to mention the fact that even Bush ain't stupid enough to take on a billion chinamen. Or is he? good question
  11. Speak for yourself. Also, --to quote Ann Landers-- "wake up and smell the coffee": Saddam is going down one way, or another. Get out the lemon juicer, whiner. Say what you want about me dude, I knew I'd get flamed. I'm still a strong conservative, not a whiner, and very patriotic. I just can't support Bush on this Iraq situation any more. How about supporting the Iraqi people? Or would you prefer to let them fester for another decade, or longer (Uday's on deck)? I could give a fuck what Shrub's motivations are as long as the wrong created by his father (i.e. not finishing the job) is righted. Since when is a human rights abuse grounds for invading another country as a "pre-emptive" strike? Why don't we "liberate" Tibet ... etc etc etc? Good summation - where will it end?
  12. freeclimb, I hate that fucker Saddam and what he's doing to his country. I swear to GOD I'd kill him with zeal MYSELF if he ever got in my sights. He MUST go. But in my opinion, an invasion from the U.S. isn't the way to do it.
  13. Speak for yourself. Also, --to quote Ann Landers-- "wake up and smell the coffee": Saddam is going down one way, or another. Get out the lemon juicer, whiner. Say what you want about me dude, I knew I'd get flamed. I'm still a strong conservative, not a whiner, and very patriotic. I just can't support Bush on this Iraq situation any more.
  14. minx, my reversal on the war is a culmination of things and what I heard today put me over the top. I have had my suspicions (or however the hell you spell it) and it is something that a good buddy and I have talked about at length. Now I will tell you that my buddy is somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun, but he said this from day one - that it was a vendetta. I have immense respect for Colin Powell. He remembers where he came from, he is intelligent as hell, he understands how things can get screwed up and he knows how to unscrew them. I will remind you of his reluctance at the beginning of this thing. He is as privy to Intel as is the President. He gets the same briefings, reads the same Black Book. Colin Powell the man dissented at the beginning. That is his leadership and follower ship style (I am a firm believer that in order to be a good leader you have to first be a good follower). He says what he thinks. But once HIS leader has made the decision, he supports it as if it were his own. No dissention; nothing but support. That is why I think he is biting his tongue and he is supporting the President. Because that was what kind of officer he was. I am sure that he takes the President to task privately whenever he can. But publicly he totally supports the President. So having said that, I am very, very concerned that this is a vendetta. So with all my suspicions and then this comment by UN inspectors saying that the Intel they were getting from the US was bad and had them chasing all over Iraq after phantoms, I realized that maybe some of it - I won't outright say it was fabricated but the question is in the back of my mind - wasn't good Intel. That some of it IS questionable. I could only tell you if I had access to the source information - which obviously I don't. We’ve seen operations go south because some Intel weenie didn't want to say the unpopular thing. Does Saddam have chemical weapons? No doubt. Does he have biological weapons? Maybe - they are expensive to produce and hard to control. Does he have nukes? He is working on it, but I doubt if he has them. This is what I think we need to do - 1. Bring the troops home. 2. See what effect that has on the inspection effort - I'm sure Saddam will throw them out as soon as the threat to him is over. 3. Dust off the SR-71 and put it back into service over flying Iraq and Syria at random intervals. Yeah it is expensive to operate, but so is keeping 120,000 troops in the desert. Using their flight schedules and minimizing operations while they are overhead can defeat satellites. SR-71s are one of the first stealth technology birds and can fly way above the limit of any air defense weapon and can out fly any missile. And they have great sensors!!! 4. We need to get back to the old school of Intel - three sided - SIGINT (which is communications and electronic sigs), IMINT (imagery), and HUMINT (human intelligence). Never trust one source. We are so sensor driven right now it is scary. And sensors can be beaten - deceived. 5. While Iraq's guard is down we build a case. 6. Meanwhile we wage war against terrorism. We are way too caught up in the emotionalism of all this. We need to back off, take a deep breath, and use our brains not our brawn. (Geez - I never thought I'd day that!! trask
  15. Watch the news. Apparently the UN inspectors have been bitching that the Intel we have been giving them is BS, old, or just bad. I am beginning to suspect what is happening is the same thing that we’ve seen happen in the Army when leaders wanted Intel to be the way they wanted it to be. In other words, the Emperor has no clothes. It is real easy to come to bullshit conclusions in Intel - especially if there is only a single source of information. What I am saying is that Bush wants this war so bad that people around him are afraid to tell him the truth so they make shit up to please him. For the same reason I question why Chirac doesn't want it so bad, I question why Bush does want it so bad. I think we need to get the hell out now. If we have to impeach Bush AND Cheney then so be it. I think some of you out there WANT to believe this shit because you don't want to believe that your government would lie to you, number one, and number two - you don't want to believe that your president would put soldiers in harm's way because of a personal vendetta. But I am afraid that is JUST what this is. We need to execute the war on terrorism not the war on Iraq. You want to get rid of governments that support AL Quaeda - get rid of the goddamn Saud family in Arabia!!! I'm fed up folks. I believed the bullshit until today. Yeah - you want to be patriotic and support the troops - well the best way to do that is to end this bullshit full-speed ahead, damn the torpedoes mentality of this president and bring our soldiers home. To me THAT is being patriotic. That's what the hell I am talking about. And yes - I am pissed. At my president and my government for getting us into this stupid situation. Now they need to get us out of it. I'll be damned if I would pay Turkey $20 BILLION dollars to use their dumb ass bases!!! Let's get a grip. DAMN I'M MAD!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Apparently our intelligence agencies SUCK and we are starting to look like a real bunch of morons. I say it is time to bring our troops home NOW and cut our losses, before we try to save face and end up getting a bunch of good people killed needlessly. If Saddam is doing what everyone says it will show up in time. I would also like to see how long the inspection teams stay in Iraq after we would announce our withdrawal.....I am NOT a happy camper. We have just about totally fucked this up.
  17. whatever Iain. I don't know shit about it other than people in business laugh at macs for anything other than graphic work.
  18. flat screens are cool - macs blow for business
  19. I nominate Necro and Mtn. Goat for the most close-minded, bullshit post award.
  20. now dan, be honest. sure you weren't trollin' for tough luv? hehehehe
  21. You can forget about it, Abuser. I live in a tent and never know where I'll be from one day to the next.
  22. Well, being the humanitarian that I am, that was what I was suggesting. Of course Necro is high as a kite this morning and had to take his snotty jabs. Perhaps he's arguing with his wife George this morning.
  23. Necro you tool, I told ya that was good shit.
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