Two of Ten Commandments Deemed Fraudulent
Handwriting experts at UC Berkley have concluded that the hand of God did, not write two of the Ten Commandments given to Moses, and are part of an eons old hoax.
"We've seen many fakes and this one is classic" cited Maurice DeMarvo, Professor of Antiquity. "God has a distinctive style that's easy to follow".
Apparently, when exposed to BM gas and UV light, the carvings of the seventh and ninth commandments show a distinctively different signature and signs of being purposefully modified from the original.
The commandments in question prohibit adultery and forbid the telling of lies, both rarely followed in modern society.
Experts agree that dropping the two questionable commandments will have little effect and urge further research into the fourth commandment (observe the Sabbath), as it too may be fraudulent.