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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Any woman who has ever been treated like a piece of meat by a man, take note. and just what the hell's that supposed to mean?
  2. Hummers and foreign sportscars
  3. lunch meat don't bitch
  4. allthumbs


    well hell, now they have X-box, dirt bikes and drugs
  5. do you mean they're not all sugar and spice and everything nice?
  6. is this like paint by the numbers?
  7. use the left over duct tape for that Iain
  8. a trip to heaven
  9. slalom skis, wakeboards, boats, anything Arc'teryx, weed, anything Italian
  10. Of late, I'm thinking we need a course correction here in America, and we need it fast. It has to be more than just 'everyone is jealous of us, and this is the world we live in, so we have to deal with it. No - other nations aren't living in high anxiety mode - unless they're worried about future hostile actions of the United States Government. If we continue on this path, you can forget about that economic recovery, a 401K retirement, or even sending Junior to college. Even if nothing ever happens again, the fabric of our society is starting to crumble from within.
  11. allthumbs


    is that like sensi-glide?
  12. allthumbs


    Yeah, I was flippin the Animal shit about that very thing the other day. He claimed he didn't give a shit about the count now that his posts are about quality, not quantity. I laughed, he said "fuck off trask", and that was that.
  13. allthumbs


    Alright already, so the fucking poem was in poor taste. I probably shouldn't have posted the bitch, but after 7000 senseless posts a few shitty ones are bound to slip in. Get over it... I can only pray to be as righteous as you chodes.
  14. allthumbs


  15. allthumbs


    fat people smell
  16. that thread has been removed! spray lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 sure does, as long as it's PG13
  17. allthumbs


  18. .
  19. .
  20. Endurance Sports Nutrition - book by Suzanne Girard Eberle
  21. minx- I believe that churches are formed by man, and therefore fallible. Think about this for a minute - name one Christian church that was not founded during a time of struggle or reaction to a situation either political or social. Islam is in the same boat. The basic teachings of any church, are the same - tolerance, understanding, patience, compassion, and faith. Those things I don't have a problem with. It is what people interject into these religions where things go south - at least as far as I am concerned. And usually for all the wrong reasons - greed, avarice, pride - essentially the seven deadly sins!
  22. oops forgot, this isn't spray nevermind
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