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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. call BD direct. they've sent me two, no charge
  2. Scarpa dealer=Base Camp in Bellingham (Ask for Mike=good boot fitter; knows wtf he's doin) Don't buy boots online...that's fuckin stooopid.
  3. allthumbs


    tlg, that smilie dude reminds me of layton
  4. most cyclists have it coming
  5. allthumbs

    just for iaxx

    100 lbs. of ball and meat
  6. allthumbs

    just for iaxx

    Kitten, you're so full of shit your eyes are brown. I'M definately a man of action!!!
  7. allthumbs

    just for iaxx

    you two should get a room
  8. why?
  9. dunno Jon, have you checked yours in the mirror lately?
  10. don't buy a Ferrari if you really need a truck
  11. i understand the concept just fine. isn't that what we got? hmmmm, now last time i checked, bush was pres.
  12. iaXX, I just don't see the humor in somebody getting hurt. you some masochist or something?
  13. wide feet here - Scarpas (those Italians got it goin on)
  14. allthumbs

    420 in TO

    that's nice when you moving to toronto, dru?
  15. I wear mine as a protective cover on my dick
  16. you suck
  17. now why didn't we think of that? because it's fuckin stooooopid !!!!!
  18. hobnailed Tevas
  19. ian, minx get you all tongue tied and shit?
  20. Now THAT is an imaginative way to say that. chucK, your avatar image sux
  21. face it ian, she got yo number. bwahahahaha
  22. why is it that you youngin's just foreplay around? hell, I met a chica on the beach on Sat. morning and had her in the sack by noon. what's the big problem? who's got time for all this pillow talk?
  23. yeah, fence has a long way to go to emulate the likes of you! if that is the worst you can say about me... i am honored! missed out at da pig last night trask.... You know, I seriously damn near came. I even started getting dressed. At the last minute I crapped out for some reason. Next time I'll come toss a couple down with ya.
  24. I spray 5.16
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