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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. go ride the gilman trail and stay off the back roads then back roads belong to us liquored-up rednecks
  2. No union on our job - I heard 90% of union carpenters do highway concrete work. there's a lot of truth to that. 90% spend too much time at the hall looking for their next meal ticket too
  3. pigs and donkeys, corks and bottles
  4. I think she sent me the saucy strawberry email this morning
  5. lawgoddess- give us the details.
  6. I agree with you Dwayner. Just lame all around whether rep. or dem.
  7. My daughter Amanda is my "dedicated go-fer" for the summer. She gets $10 a weekend for keeping me in cold beer and munchies.
  8. Kids are home for the summer. Drew (13) is jhammin' to Bob Marley on the jive box. Yep, I done good.
  9. the libs. are busy thinking up commercials like this shit
  10. hahaha the dems are really crankin' up the wick now hahaha
  11. kinky beotch, that gapertimmy
  12. thanks for the offer bp, but i'm busy making a living perhaps you should contact "a real climber" hehehe
  13. Hi This dream seemed to last along time. It's good the person next to me is a sound sleeper because there is no way I could have been in the middle of this without being alittle noisy. It was one of those weird dreams..We were in my bed but it was more like a bathtub. Full of whipping cream. We were naked and I was on top of you, of course. The whipping cream was cool and smooth just a little sweet.. Made us very slippery. I was feeding you strawberries by dipping them in the bath. We were covered in this yummy white stuff. Whew ..it was nice I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. You brought all this on by bringing out the strawberries for dinner. So, How many of those little containers of whipping cream would it take to fill a bathtub? And how long will it take to whip all that to just the right consistency? Cool whip would never do for this one. Nice you are smiling. I can see that dimple now.
  14. At a summer camp run by the American Association for Nude Recreation, the dress code for regular volleyball is the same as it is for skinny dipping. Now why wasn't this camp mentioned when I was a kid? I got stuck with church camp.
  15. Dave, have a great time at the BBQ...good job with the organization and all. I'd like to talk to you about something else. I'd like you to remove your auto-sig as many of us good Americans find it very offensive. I trust you'll do the right thing. Thanks, Dave
  16. those damn hot flashes
  17. allthumbs


    Dru, the post count whore
  18. Hey Dave, what kind of way is that to talk? Try being civil for once.
  19. It's the monkeyshit brown gremlin with Levi's upholstery. sounds like yo mama told ya all about it, eh?
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