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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. YOU MEAN THE PHOENIX ARCHDIOCESE. AND TRASK I AM SURE YOUR PAROLE OFFICER IS ALL THE RECMO YOU NEED!! I'm sleeping with my parole officer now. Her name is Trixy.
  2. Well shit Erik, if you're not goin' either am I
  3. Jon, can I use you as a reference?
  4. allthumbs

    Size matters?

    that looks like a pussy rig
  5. I'm offering rides home for all inebriated single young women (only) from tonight's Pube Club. I'll handle you with kid gloves and tuck you in bed all safe and sound. PM me for details.
  6. What you talkin' bout Willis... heh, it's jkruger
  7. And as you watch your trailer home burn down take into consideration that the person you were throwing cans at might have a photographic memory to remember your license plate. I'm afraid you wouldn't have much of a memory after being beaned with a 12 oz. Budweiser. You'd have to have it video taped to hold up in court. Go ahead tough guy, I can use the money. STFU Erik, you don't know what you're talking about.
  8. you bicyclists try holding up traffic on the darrington hyway and watch the full cans of beer whizzing by your heads. hope you have a good insurance policy. talk all the smack you want...that's life in the country...guaranteed
  9. agreed, as long as they're doing the speed limit
  10. According to my middle finger you can eat a dick Trask Jon, when you're picking tree slivers outta your ass from me blowing by you, I'll be sure to take note of the finger you gave me right before you dismounted.
  11. Bzzzzt. Wrong. Thank you for playing. I have the right to ride down the road in my car and on my bicycle. It's a speed limit, not a speed requirement. according to my cop neighbor, you can be ticketed for going too slow or impeding the natural flow of traffic. Ask your cop neighbor if he would ticket a cyclist for riding on the road at 20 mph in a 35 zone. Probably not, UNLESS you were impeding someone from passing you safely. (meaning, get over as far as safely possible and let the cars pass). What's so difficult to understand?
  12. No doubt, but it's still inconsiderate of you to hold people up. It's not about being impatient either. So everytime you some up behind a vehicle on a two lane road, you expect them to pull over, out of your way, or they are being 'inconsiderate'? I'd say 98% of the time vehicles are traveling at or above the posted speed limit. For the occasional Raison driving 20 under, I say run the fucker off the road.
  13. we're in the fast lane now, like it or not too much crap goin' on and not enuf time in the day
  14. set one up scott - but have it a bit unorganized so everyone feels at home.
  15. Bzzzzt. Wrong. Thank you for playing. I have the right to ride down the road in my car and on my bicycle. It's a speed limit, not a speed requirement. according to my cop neighbor, you can be ticketed for going too slow or impeding the natural flow of traffic.
  16. over the hill is a state of mind I'm still going strong and I'm a dinosaur
  17. I 'spose next some Tool will wanna compare turds. Get real people...F U C K (with a thread like this I can see why you hosers don't get laid)
  18. just installed more ram...up to like 800 megs in my "spray" computer. WooHoo
  19. Like I said Erik, my kid and I skied about 6:00 this morning as the sun was coming over Baker and Three Fingers. Water's warm and awesome. Heading to REI now to return a fucked up Arcteryx coat and then we'll cut some wake this afternoon. Summer's here...WooHoo!!!
  20. Drew and I slalomed early this morning before this last day of school.
  21. but he never threw the punch...he's a pussy. and why drag reference to the dem. party? this little quip wasn't about partys; just a little titalater.
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