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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. "me, me, I've got a nice round mouth too ya know"
  2. I'm American. You deceatful shitstick. I knew it all along. Go chug sum cock
  3. fo·ment (fō-mĕnt') tr.v., -ment·ed, -ment·ing, -ments. 1. To promote the growth of; incite. 2. To treat (the skin, for example) by fomentation. [Middle English fomenten, to apply warm liquids to the skin, from Old French fomenter, from Late Latin fōmentāre, from Latin fōmentum, poultice, from fovēre, to warm.] fo·ment'er n.
  4. I retract my interest. You two sound too bitchy for me. I like submissive wimmin.
  5. two hotties climbing with minimal clothing...I'm there
  6. you don't have long for this world then, minx
  7. allthumbs

    Holy War

    No he's just quoting some jackass named Cooper Kurt, coop is a great american patriot. you should be ashamed of yourself. i'll let it slide this time.
  8. KIWI are you an American? I didn't think so. STFU
  9. allthumbs

    Holy War

    numb nuts, look at the end of my post and you'll see I wrote coop...short for jeff cooper no plagiarism here fukka
  10. the sex is good
  11. allthumbs

    Holy War

    Leave this important public service announcement alone, fukka
  12. first thing i've ever agreed with minx about
  13. allthumbs

    Holy War

    grow some tits, beotch
  14. allthumbs

    Holy War

    On another line of conviction it seems impossible to make it known on this side of the barricades that what we have here is indeed a Holy War. Islam constitutes a faith, rather than a nation. Endeavoring to analyze national confrontations in this struggle is futile. The Chechens and the Pakistanis and the Palestinians who streamed down to Iraq to fight "The Great Satan" were Moslems, not nationals. We wiped out a minor nation-state in Iraq with relatively little difficulty, but that does not serve to impress the faithful. We can hardly set forth to subdue Islam in a military or geographical sense, but what we can do is to identify Islam as the enemy and to convince them that the East can no more defeat the West than the West can defeat the East. We have here the greatest standoff in history. It is up to us to convince the raghead on the camel that simply killing kafirs, as the prophet (may peace be upon him) exhorts him to do, will not raise his standard of living, even if it may assure his passport to paradise. I wish President Bush all success in his delineation of a "road map to peace," but it must be clear that until the enemy understands the problem, he is unlikely to stop fighting. The outcome of the struggle in Mesopotamia ought to serve as a convincing object lesson. I guess it is pretty hard to put that point across in Arabic... Coop
  15. yep, and he's got his eye on you, timmy. told me so, himself bwahahaha
  16. yer problem is ya have no sense of adventure. no spontaneity. no passion. are you dead? I think so. we should do the nasty - you'll feel better about yerself
  17. and the trogdor comes in the night
  18. you think it's funny don't ya alison?
  19. nice avatar
  20. doooood you need to take my class... trask on love 101
  21. allthumbs


    A lady went into a bar in Waco and saw a cowboy by the name of BigStroker with his feet propped up on a table. He had the biggest boots she'd ever seen. The woman asked BigStroker if it's true what they say about men with big feet. He grinned and said, "Shore is, little lady! Why don't you come on out to the bunkhouse and let me prove it to you?" The woman wanted to find out for herself, so she spent the night with him. The next morning she handed him a $100 bill. Blushing, he said, "Well, thankee, ma'am. Ah'm real flattered. Ain't nobody ever paid me fer mah services before." The woman replied, "Don't be flattered... take the money and buy yourself some boots that fit."
  22. brilliant
  23. ah yes, dru, Trogdor burninates the countryside, and any peasant unfortunate enough to cross his path of wanton burnination - do ya wanna "woo woo?"
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