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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs


    no, those were DFA's old lady's shorts. she left 'em at my house the wkend. before she eloped with numbnuts.
  2. allthumbs

    'Bout Right

    what the fuck do you really know about me, dumb ass? you're just a hoity-toidy wanna be American with a line of bullshit as large as your hemorrhoid.
  3. YOU GOT A PROBLEM? I rest my case
  4. What kills me is all the Snohomish County one-toothed wonders driving home from the tavern with a pickup bed full of empty Smitty's.
  5. allthumbs


    doh - The Lumberjack Song
  6. allthumbs

    'Bout Right

    lick it, snatchmo
  7. If Bush tells Blair to bend over, Blair will ask, "how far?" puppet leader for a puppet state
  8. allthumbs

    'Bout Right

    I cross ocean, poor and broke, Take bus, see employment folk. Nice man treat me good in there, Say I need to see welfare. Welfare say, "You come no more, We send cash right to your door." Welfare checks, they make you wealthy, Medicaid it keep you healthy! By and by, I got plenty money, Thanks to you, American dummy. Write to friends in motherland, Tell them 'come as fast as you can.' They come in turbans and Ford trucks, I buy big house with welfare bucks. They come here, we live together, More welfare checks, it gets better! Fourteen families, they moving in, But neighbor's patience wearing thin. Finally, white guy moves away, Now I buy his house, and then I say, "Find more aliens for house to rent." And in the yard I put a tent. Send for family they just trash, But they, too, draw the welfare cash! Everything is very good, And soon we own the neighborhood. We have hobby -- it's called breeding, Welfare pay for baby feeding. Kids need dentist? Wife need pills? We get free! We got no bills! American crazy! He pay all year, To keep welfare running here. We think America darn good place! Too darn good for the white man race. If they no like us, they can scram, Got lots of room in Pakistan.
  9. I hear Jerry (post Cincinnati mayor) Springer is running for the Senate this time around. Kudos to the King of Southern Fried Smut
  10. allthumbs

    Spray Quality

    Rob - that's so DFA (if she only knew)
  11. Don't mind DFA (dumb fuckin assbiter) he's bored with life in general since he and 'the old blister' tied the knot.
  12. rocket science 101
  13. allthumbs

    Spray Quality

    when a young child dies in alabama her tearful grandmother says god has a plan i don't understand because folks here in the deep south actually worship two gods first there is the great jehovah fire and brimstone flood and plague death to all the first-born in egypt folks pray to him to justify capital punishment then there is abba-father god jesus' daddy he is love folks pray to him on mission trips to chicago to convert the jews so when a small child is crushed by a sport utility vehicle i have to ask which god is responsible and what exactly is his plan
  14. did that lil piggy bark like a dawg?
  15. Women drivers - MY GAWD!!!! Always in the left lane, hauling ass and not paying attention or planning ahead. Defensive driving skills....are you shitting me? They shouldn't drive till they're about 40. And don't let them have a cell phone, nail file, bagel, coffee, lipstick, a book or brush....they're god-awful drivers and a menace on the highway. WOMEN SUCK AT DRIVING. IT'S A MAN'S JOB. Give it up girls.
  16. allthumbs


    no. guns were invented and used before cars. what's not to see? btw, in my opinion, kids shouldn't get their lics. till they're 18....at 16 they're too immature and reckless to be behind the wheel of anything more powerful than their TYCO trike. AND THE WIMMIM!!!!! MY GAWD!!!! They shouldn't drive till they're about 40. And don't let them have a cell phone, nail file, bagel, coffee, lipstick, a book or brush....they're god-awful drivers and a menace on the highway. WIMMIN SUCK AT DRIVING!!!!! IT'S A MAN'S JOB.
  17. allthumbs


    it's a guaranteed right. nothing you can do about it. bitch till the cows come home for all I care.
  18. allthumbs


    potato potawto who cares. it's just in the wording. bottom line is all Americans with no felonies on their record have the right to keep and bear arms. deal with it
  19. true. animalphobe then
  20. allthumbs


    dru, wipe that turd from your mouth
  21. homophobe, farm animalphobe, it all makes sense
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