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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. I hear ya. I gave up nature for spray.
  2. I see this stupid thread is still going. As long as there's alcohol and dumb ass young kids there's gonna be violence. Always has been and always will be. Could've happened just as easily on this side of the border, although in the USA we don't need a fuckin gang of 50 to beat up 3 or 4 people. Personally, I think those canadian punks are pussys.
  3. sup, Dan?
  4. castration
  5. I'll bet that ain't all they were slobberin' over, sista. woof woof
  6. allthumbs


    Nupe, but I gotta good recipe for stir-fry.
  7. I won't be, after 5:00
  8. I had it in docs. for awhile then deleted it in a drunken stupor
  9. ya well, we got time
  10. not with her dentures out
  11. having fun, junior?
  12. ah shucks you one-toothed Walmart wonder, are you all mad and shit now? hahaha go suck an egg
  13. 'bout time. I've been holding my farts so long it's a genuine relief (saves stickin' that grenade up my ass). thanks cooter!
  14. would you hum me if I did?
  15. you talkin' to me, nigga?
  16. "pssst - I heard Greg was having erectile problems; had something to do with the lost testicle in the sledding accident"
  17. lunkhead, is this not your post?
  18. Listen Alison, you lunkhead, you smoke cancer sticks, you pollute, why would you be concerned about a smoky bar? Jeez, * <- that is your brain.
  19. Can it, bizzo. You want the Doctor to fax you a copy? Or maybe read it to your answering machine if you have problems with the reading part? Shit's 100% legit. You're a lying sack of shit dude. I smell plagiarism all over your shitty diapers. Get some of your own material, foo.
  20. ah, don't you smoke? that's kinda hypocritical isn't it?
  21. I'll bet that ain't all they were slobberin' over, sista.
  22. Hey Flash, how much ya payin' Dwayner to ghost write for ya? hahaha, fawkin' TOOL
  23. ...it's really cool. when I have them on my head, I can peer around the crotch with both eyes, allowing me to work and answer phones, and smell the bbq at the same time.
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