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Everything posted by klenke

  1. You missed your chance to see me wearing nothing but my harness. No PC for ME Tu-night.
  2. klenke

    RIP 86

    A workmate told me that Maxwell Smart was supposed to be Agent 69 but the TV producers wouldn't allow it. Now that would have been funny. Apparently, it was Mel Brooks' idea. Brooks created the show. Something I never knew. Also unforgettable: The title song -- Dunt-da-daa-dunt Dunt-da-daa-dunt. The title sequence -- Max walking the corridors with the closing doors and getting his nose caught in the last door.
  3. klenke

    RIP 86

    I remember Get Smart. It was funny. And I had completely forgot about the "Cone of Silence." A total gag but not impractical, if you think about it. And what about The Nude Bomb--the Get Smart movie! The final scene is a riot. Two improvements I'd like to see on web browsers: 1. A right-click search engine setting (would help Josh's problem). Say you want to google a word or phrase in text. Simply highlight the word or phrase in question, the right-click the mouse, and select the search engine from the pop-up pulldown list. To be really nice it would be good if you could pre-select the engine you wanted to use (a default, if you will). 2. There ought to be a setting for a window or windows in general where if you want every link clicked on on that page to open up in a new window it automatically does so. That way you wouldn't have to right-click the mouse to do so if you didn't want to. It's one less step. Okay, enough thread drift.
  4. klenke

    Sloan Peak

    I got some good photos of the Sloan Glacier last weekend (yesterday, actually). I'll post a photo later this week. Passing by the trailhead (Cougar Creek) on Saturday morning there were three cars there. On Monday night one car there. So somebody's doing something up there. Bedal Peak is also up thattaway. The glacier itself is highly receded compared to my memory of it back in 1995 (wow, 10 years ago! time flies). Hell, it even looks like you could traverse slabs underneath it to get to the other side. I don't know about seracs calving, though.
  5. klenke


    It's a tranquilizer dart flying toward your butt. It's a dart shot by all those horny Utah women stalking you. Do you remember if you woke up in a ditch with a bad headache the day after this climb?
  6. Good stuff. Thanks, Wayne (and Erden). Lots of famous NW climbers were present too. The raffle went well too...for me.
  7. A couple of things: 1. The Sun is not a large enough star to go supernova. 2. When the Sun "dies" it will become a red giant. Mars may or may not be within the range of the expanding solar surface but either way Mars will no longer be in the CHZ when it does. 3. I won't care either way cuz I'll be gone long and long gone.
  8. I predict 4 more posts before a conservative fucktard claims this as evidence that ALL planets are warming up and thus global warming is not the fault of humanity in any way, shape or form. Not that I believe it necessarily, but this Mars revelation would support the fucktard's claim.
  9. I predict 4 more posts before some liberal wank blames this one on Bush Co. too.
  10. Good job, guys! 12.5 hours round trip. So it was easier than the 13 hours we spent two weekends ago on Puzzle-Castle-Flora-Enigma! Incidentally, that first picture features Puzzle Peak (far left), Enigma Peak (center), and Riddle Peaks (right). Oh yeah, that third picture: I can't quite read that writing. What does it say?
  11. Gary, they charged me THEIR tip amount, not ours. Grrrrr! Doxey, ah come on man, don't leave me hangin'!
  12. Nice. It's hard to top Bob's photo mastery. Folks have been trying for years. I'll let him know of your report.
  13. I plan on making an appearance wearing my climbing harness and nothing else. Gear will be dangling.
  14. I call bullshit...checking snopes now...please stand by... SNOPES: Undetermined <-- click me
  15. The Ballard Alehouse is better for pool, IMO. There are more tables. Also, the Kangaroo and Kiwi has a pool table. We haven't been to the K&K for a while. But it's not in Blahlard.
  16. Why, do you have billiard skeels to wow us with?
  17. Whoa, a big huge enormous gargantuan goliagth....3% spike! (but still spiking...)
  18. I think you guys are right about that because something wasn't jiving with the numbers. But the good news is Ralph could now afford it if it became a penny stock.
  19. Uh, I hope you aren't one of the cliff jumping sheep, Stefan... Down 99%! And NOW is the time to buy, maybe.
  20. klenke


    Hey, that's pretty cool because it make you realize that this "planet spins in a silent void" and "our options are ever fewer on the ground these days."
  21. "...live on $4 an hour in the Seattle area." An impossibility for a Seattleite. Seattleite: one grande latte w/ flavor per hour. One grande latte w/ flavor: $3.50 With mandatory liberal Seattle tip: $4.00 Nope, you just can't live off $4/hour in Seattle.
  22. Well, four out of six aint bad. Nepotism? Oooooo, Gary learned a new word this morning.
  23. My imaginary friend was there too. No one talked to her all night. She says she's not coming to any more pub clubs.
  24. Very nice, Ken! It is an old wive's tale that there is no ice climbing in Africa.
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