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Everything posted by klenke

  1. Nice report. Rock is Swauk-Chuckanut sandstone and conglomerate. One of my shots of the towers:
  2. Suck in that gut! I would love to see a view looking east from the summit with Mineral Mountain in it (perhaps the whole Mineral massif). Mineral is the next peak to the east.
  3. Drove through there last night and then late this afternoon. The fire is/was in a small area right under the power lines about a half-mile east of the Gorge Falls touron area. On Friday twilight we didn't even see any ember glow so didn't know where it was located. No fire vehicles anywhere. This afternoon on the way back we saw many fire vehicles along the side of the road so they were evidently "mopping up" the scene. There was no smoke so it must be out...or 99% out. We could see burned little trees about 100 feet up from the highway.
  4. I didn't hear of that stunt. Enlighten me (but not with lightning, please ).
  5. klenke

    60 years ago

    One thought that struck me the other day was this: Could we (the U.S.) in 1945 have dropped the atom bomb(s) in sparsely or unpopulated sections of Japan with the same ultimate effect but without the killing of so many Japanese civilians? That is, the mere threat of another drop on a large city could have brought capitulation from the Japanese. One could opine that, if we had done that (dropped on a sparsely populated area), then they could have successfully defensed the next threat to one of their cities and therefore the war would not have ended. As is the case with everything, one never knows for sure.
  6. Okay, it's 45 minutes to 5 O'clock Friday afternoon. Time for you insatiable sprayers to turn off the spigot and actually do some work this week. Performance Reviews are coming soon.
  7. That's one of the symptoms of digitalitis. And then the suspense is lost.
  8. Why exactly do I need a digital camera again? So I can become afflicted with digitalitis? Please don't tell me so I can take better pictures. I've seen plenty of crap come out of digital users. Digital cameras still lack the color vibrancy that celluloid provides. And don't try to tell me otherwise. Nice Dorado Needle pics, btw.
  9. I think it goes without saying that this would only be during daylight hours. So if you travel through there during night or twilight you won't be delayed by the heli.
  10. It's true. From the NOCA website: Update on Davis Fire East of Diablo, Washington Prepared August 3, 2005 "A 7-acre fire near milepost 125 of the North Cascades Highway in Ross Lake National Recreation Area has led to an intermittent closure of the road. This is to allow 2 helicopters to safely do water drops near the highway. Please note that this is a change from a report earlier today that the highway had been closed. Traffic is being allowed through as the firefighting operations permit. National Park Service firefighters and 7 smokejumpers from the North Cascades Smokejumper Base near Winthrop are at the fire. A plane is en route from the tanker base at Moses Lake to drop retardant. About 1:30 pm this afternoon the fire was reported burning beneath the large Seattle City Light power line at the base of Davis Peak and immediately north of the North Cascades Highway. At 3:30 an estimated 6 to 7 acres were involved. The location is about 1 ¾ miles west of the community of Diablo near SR 20 milepost 125. Seattle City Light de-energized the line to permit water drops by helicopter. The National Park Service sent firefighters to the scene and requested smoke jumpers and retardant drops. The fire was moving up the slope of Davis Peak, and smoke spread through the valley and up to Diablo Lake. A National Park Service volunteer who was on Diablo Lake made the initial report." How intermittent is intermittent?
  11. Really? This might screw up my weekend plans. Arrrrgggh! If I wet down my car before hand do you think they'd let me through?
  12. Some more pictures for scat'teryx to hate: Tony doin' the crux shuffle: Hmmm, me thinks Tony was secretly stashing his own Lost Energy Drink: Other peaks nearby: Close-up of the East Ridge (see above for explanation of "Rodeo Ride"):
  13. Another view of the endless NW Ridge. Taken from Forbidden Peak on 7/23/05:
  14. I remember that scree slope to skier's right of the snowfield being steep and chossy and not worth the sketch-fest to downclimb, much less stumble up with water in tote. I tried a few feet of that choss and went back to the snow, to a sketch-fest of a different kind. I remember calling up to a partner to say, "hey, bring my crampons down, would you." But that was in September.
  15. What we did in late September a few years back: Descend off the backside of the col (glacier side) a few hundred feet down a snowfield (crampons may be handy) to water running out of base of said snowfield. There is a rock outcrop at the base of the snowfield. Water was to the right of it...toward Newhalem. Advice: take a deflatable water bag and fill it up with enough so you don't have to make more than one trip. You could also stop by the source on the way back from the NE Ridge or South Ridge.
  16. Bag and tag what? Bear? Ptarmigan? Pup seals? I would rather bag and tag in the mountains than tag and bag in the mall.
  17. What Sobo said regarding wilderness trails. You will note many wilderness trails have been cleared of windfall in the past. The evidence is right there on the ground before you (sawn logs). Regarding the Boston Basin "trail" I seem to recall some evidence of prior maintenance, just not through the old avy swath. BB is worthy enough to put in toilets and station a ranger, so why not clear the trail? For an unofficial trail it sure does look pretty official...especially considering what has been stated before that they require a "TRAIL"park pass to park there. The number of people going up there is pretty significant {over 1,000 people in 2003 alone}. The bad thing is clearing the trail would only increase the touron traffic.
  18. klenke

    Pub Club?

    Moderator: please clean up the garbage in this thread. This events thread should keep the spray to a minimum. One or two spray posts is fine but it has degenerated to more spray and less information. Thanks.
  19. Looks to me like the Chimney Rock Group in the midground with Chimney Rock at left end and Lemah Mountain at right. Not sure what the foreground hump is.
  20. klenke

    New Planet

    Reading the article, it appears they only saw the "object" once in October 2003. They didn't see the object in the same part of space in January 2005 (the next time they looked there). So this is proof of a new planet? Sorry, too easy. You'd have to observe it more than once and at least three times in different parts of the sky for it to be real (or something definable), IMO.
  21. klenke

    Pub Club?

    Oh, Stella. What a babe... Stellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  22. Why is there a shoe sticking out of your ass? Squid are weird creatures.
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