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Everything posted by klenke

  1. Yes, President's Day is on Monday, February 20th this year. Government workers and folks like that typically have that day off. Grade schools typically get that day off too. I think consideration for others and this three-day weekend trumps olyclimber.
  2. Off, you are fine to un-tack it. I need to contact Roger's father soon. If there is any updated information I will post it. Thanks.
  3. "Women who do more pushups than men" Consider that an official challenge, gents. You have only a few days to "practice."
  4. "Klenke said that GW has been doing right by the Sunni's in Iraq." When did I say that? I didn't say that. Archenemy brought a dead snaffle? Was that what ToTheTop was dining on when I arrived?
  5. I will make an appearance. Your "con" won't apply with the new smoking ban, unless you're talking about the liberals' ire causing smoke to come out of their ears after watching the Big Idiot-B speak.
  6. I'm thinking of a Super Bowl pub club next Sunday. Soliciting ideas for the best venue (big screen TVs a must). The Super Bowl parties I currently know about are on the lame to moderately lame side of things.
  7. From the northeast (from Garfield Mountain) last August: The summit "Choirboy" is also known as Stegosaurus Butte.
  8. It was good to see Icegirl again. Thanks for coming and supplying the usual camera; I still know how to operate it. Sometimes it's more about the subject than the operator: Sadly missing last night were Fox and Tops for the annual red-eye P-O-P dart. Last night was a great showing. Something like 15 people? Weekend_Climberz, Klenke, Dave Schuldt, Mattp, Gary Yngve, Trogdor the Burninator and wife Sam, Dkemp, catbirdseat, icegirl, Dalius, Toast, Jens, tivoli_mike, and Jeff Hansel with his imaginary friend Jennifer Gretl.
  9. I thought it used to be $5 just for the pizza. The coupon is $7 for a beer and a pizza (probably PBR ) I have an older coupon that is $6 for a beer and a pie. Is a pie the same as a pizza? They probably have more than one coupon (random coupon according to their website).
  10. Don't forget to print out this coupon: pizza and a beer, $7
  11. Big Time or College Inn. You pick. I'll be there. Toast and I were talking the other night. We agree Pub Club needs to go to a once-a-month dedicated schedule, something like the first or last Tuesday of every month. There could still be other pub club events but the Main Pub Club should go to once per month. Such things can be discussed in more detail tomorrow night.
  12. Sounded like a woman to me and that's the perspective I took from the part you reference, Dru, even though I missed the "he" in that sentence. So yes, it is a guy. I was wrong. Once again, CC.com's jerkwad supreme calls me on one. Still...bite me. I kind of liked it better with my erroneous assumption that it was a woman, a woman who stuck it to them in the end....sort of.
  13. I read the TR completely. The author refers to herself as a woman three or four times. Unless he was deliberately trying to deceive, he is a she. So bite me. Unless of course the story is untrue or some exagerration, in which case, double bite me. In the story the protagonist is a female.
  14. A good lunch-hour read. BTW, the TR author is a woman. She should have bailed much much earlier...but then there would not have been a TR for us to read and enjoy.
  15. "You can see it from Baker Ski area." Feb. 05' from the lower parking lot (summit at center):
  16. Okay, I've just about had enough of this message when refreshing too quickly using the "view recent posts" button: You cannot make another search at this time. Please try again in a few minutes. Please use your back button to return to the previous page. What is the reason for this delay? Further, you don't have to wait "a few minutes" but only about five seconds, but that is not my main complaint. When I am viewing the list of recent posts and I open a post in the list then hit the back button too quickly (say because I don't want to view that thread after all), it gives me that crappy message above. I should be able to go back to the list unencumbered. Irksome, it is. Yes.
  17. Easiest ways to make yourself look sleek on film: 1. Speed up the film. 2. Edit out all the bad stuff, keep only the good or great Note that persons have died or broken bones plenty of times doing those jumps depicted in the jumping film. These don't look so hot in a short "we are so cool" video. That said, for the forest scenes in the jumping film, that's exactly how I bushwhack!
  18. Yes, WA plates but that's not important. What's important is the lic. number matching with a red 1990 Jeep Cherokee. That is, it is unlikely there is the same type vehicle with the same lic. number from a different state. It struck me that one could additionally search beside logging roads. If Roger drove off a road and crashed down an embankment or forest slope then of course his jeep would not be found at a trailhead.
  19. GGK is going to be reeeeeally mad when this thread also gets moved to spray and he can't find it. "stupid donkey puncher" I love it when jon or timmy give a member the smack down.
  20. Story in the King County Journal yesterday: Family intensifies hunt for missing climber
  21. Cluck, Roger (pictured at right above) is 6'5". If the guy you saw wasn't that tall it wasn't him. As for where in the Cascades, no telling, but it was probably for a more interesting area--i.e., N. Cascades and not S. Cascades. His father told me it has only been three days since the missing persons report. However, the mail has been backing up at Roger's apartment for a month. So, without a mail stop initiated, he would be missing for about this long, or longer if a mail stop was initiated and ran out.
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